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發表於 2018-2-19 05:44:37 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Smith has declined to say what the fan said to him that set him off. Owner Woody Johnson said Thursday he was disappointed by Smith's actions, saying they were "absolutely unacceptable." But, he also was confident Smith would never again put himself in a similar situation.
"We'll handle it the way we see appropriate," Ryan said. "And again, when we're ready to let you know what our decision is, we'll let you know."
San Diego left tackle King Dunlap and Jacksonville defensive end Alan Branch were each fined $8,268 for their fight during the Chargers' 33-14 win last Sunday.

NEW YORK (AP) — Geno Smith shouted a couple of mighty expensive expletives,Sale NFL Jerseys.
The New York Jets quarterback was fined $12,Air Max 97 Buy Online,000 by the NFL on Friday for cursing at a fan after the team's game against Detroit last Sunday.
Houston's J.J. Watt was fined $16,537 for roughing the passer against Buffalo. The star defensive end was called for penalties twice after hitting Bills quarterback EJ Manuel in the knee area.
Smith was walking off the field following the 24-17 defeat when he glared at a heckler in the stands and yelled at him, twice using an expletive. The fine issued by the league was for unsportsmanlike conduct.
Pittsburgh defensive lineman Cameron Heyward also got in trouble with his mouth, docked $22,Cheap NFL Jerseys China Wholesale,050 for using abusive language toward an official during the Steelers' loss to the Tampa Bay Buccaneers last Sunday.
The second-year quarterback immediately apologized after the game, but acknowledged during the week that he would likely be fined for his actions. Cleveland rookie quarterback Johnny Manziel received a similar fine from the league during the preseason for flipping his middle finger at Washington's sideline.
"Always be above the situation," Smith said Wednesday. "Never let people get to you. Never let anyone's words affect you in that manner. So I've just learned, and it's something I've already known,Brett Favre Falcons Jersey, but (I've) just got to handle those situations better."
Chicago guard Kyle Long was also docked $8,Austin Hooper Falcons Jersey UK,268 for unnecessary roughness in the Bears' loss to the Green Bay Packers.
Coach Rex Ryan wouldn't say whether Smith would face additional discipline from the team,Cheap Soccer Jerseys.

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