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發表於 2018-2-19 10:25:43 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– 80,000 sqaure feet farm for Timehri Fifty years of committed excellence to shipping in Guyana was celebrated last Thursday evening by John Fernandes Limited.With dinner and dancing, the company kicked off their 50th anniversary in the ‘Big Yard’ in Third Avenue, Subryanville, Georgetown.Celebrating 50 years! From Left: Vice President of Seaboard Corporation Steven Bell,Cheap China Jerseys, President of John Fernandes Rolland Smith, President of Bounty Farm Ltd Patrick De Groot, Head of State, Bharrat Jagdeo, CEO/Chairman of John Fernandes Ltd Chris Fernandes and Director of the company Philip Fernandes. The ceremony saw the attendance of President Bharrat Jagdeo, members of the opposition, other government officials and members from the business community.In his remarks, which were based on the history of John Fernandes Limited, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the company, Chris Fernandes told the huge gathering that his company is committed to the development of Guyana.It was noted that the John Fernandes Limited Group of Companies presently employs approximately 1000 persons. In this regard, Fernandes noted that the company considers the welfare of their employees to be a priority,Cheap Air Max 2018, and prides itself with providing its workers with the best possible conditions of employment“We are committed to the development of our country and have already indicated to the President our willingness to work with the Government to improve the efficiency of Port Georgetown and to assist in whatever way possible in the development of the Deep Water Harbour. This would be necessary in the long term to cater for possible cargo movement to and from Brazil and the further development of our export trade,” Fernandes said.Bounty Farm, which is another company of John Fernandes, as part of future plans, is currently in the process of establishing an 80,000 square feet model crop farm at its Timehri location.According to Fernandes, this is being done in collaboration with GETIS (USAID) and Shigam, which an Israeli Company that has been guiding the company with their technical expertise.The entire production is being geared for the export market and once it proves to be successful,Wholesale China Jerseys, the company intends to expand its production, which would include a modern packaging facility at Bounty, Timehri.CEO/Chairman, Chris Fernandes (left) receives a token of appreciation from President of the company Rolland Smith. Additionally,Wholesale Jerseys, Bryden & Fernandes Incorporation has plans for investment in a new office and warehouse building, Fernandes explained.He added that he is very optimistic about Guyana’s future and urged all to move forward.“If we can find a way to put aside our politics and all put our minds and shoulders to the wheel we can achieve anything. It is my firm belief that together we can.”In a brief history of the company,Soccer Jerseys From China, it was noted that the founder of the company, John Fernandes first securing a timber concession at Waratilla in the Kamuni Creek on the Demerara River, where he worked long hours producing fire wood and charcoal for local consumption.In the 1930’s and 40’s during the second World War, John’s market for the wood products developed both locally and in the English speaking Caribbean as a result of the fuel shortage.To facilitate this, he rented a small area of property from WM Fogarty Ltd which he subsequently purchased. This was the birth of John Fernandes Shipping as he was able to load and discharge inter-island sailing vessels.John would later export large volumes of charcoal to Liverpool, England using the international shipping lines calling at Bookers Shipping Wharves.On October 15, 1959,Discount NFL Jerseys, the Company of John Fernandes Ltd. (JFL) was officially registered.On his retirement in 1970, John was succeeded by three of his sons. His eldest son, John Jr., managed the Company until he migrated to the United States of America in 1978. He was succeeded by Bernard (Bunny) who managed the Company during the difficult eighties retiring on February 29,Nike Air Max 97 Silver Bullet Australia, 1992.Chris Fernandes then succeeded Bunny as the Chairman and CEO on March 1st 1992 bringing to the Company a new style of leadership.Some of the guests at the ceremonyIn 1993, the company made its first big investment by purchasing the entire share holding in De Freitas Investments Ltd for G$200 million with funding from NBIC.It was also explained that in 1985, John Fernandes Limited and Bounty Farm Limited together formed Fairfield Investments Limited and purchased a 600 Acre rice estate and a one-ton rice mill at Fairfield, East Coast Demerara.In addition to being a diversification into a new industry, the companies benefitted from utilising the by-products of bran and broken rice from the rice milling in the poultry feed production of Bounty.The Company is now a 50% joint venture partner with the Seaboard Corporation of America in Fairfield Rice Inc which produces rice for export, the majority of which is being shipped to Jamaica at the present time.Vice President of Seaboard Marine Corporation, Steven Bell lauded the impressive leadership qualities displayed by the company and urged for them to continue in the same vein in the future.Similar sentiments were expressed by President Jagdeo who noted that the John Fernandes family is committed to the development of Guyana.While pointing out the many challenges on the market, the Head of State urged the company to rise to those challenges.“This company has demonstrated that it could rise to the challenges of the eras. I am very optimistic about the future and there are going to be huge challenges in Guyana as we move forwards on the pathway of development.”

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