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發表於 2018-2-19 11:32:30 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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RICHMOND,Air Max Shoes For Sale, Va. (AP) — The days of Virginia governors taking big-ticket gifts — like a Caribbean vacation or a suite at a Redskins game — appear to be over.
Gov. Terry McAuliffe instituted a $100 gift cap when he took office in January as a way of trying to restore Virginia's reputation after a gift scandal enveloped his predecessor. He recently submitted his annual statement of economic interest showing he's received gifts of only limited value,Cheap NFL Jerseys Supply.
For instance, McAuliffe reported receiving a $50 "corporate mascot figurine" from the China-based e-commerce giant Alibaba during a trade mission.  Stone Brewing Co., one of the nation's top craft breweries that is receiving a $5 million grant from the Governor's Opportunity Fund to relocate to Richmond, gave McAuliffe a case of IPA beer worth $76.88.
Lawmakers have pledged to tighten gift rules following the guilty verdict in the McDonnell trial, and House Republicans recently said they support a $100 gift cap similar to what McAuliffe has imposed on himself.
"Transparency and accountability in government are central to Governor McAuliffe's vision for a new Virginia economy," said Brian Coy, the governor's spokesman.
McDonnell also reported accepting large gifts from others besides Williams. They include tickets to sporting events worth thousands of dollars,Jerseys From China, including a reported $19,000 gift from the Washington Redskins for a suite at a game.
As part of their defense, McDonnell's legal team focused on gifts received by U.S. Sen. Tim Kaine, who was Virginia's governor prior to McDonnell. According to court records and published news media accounts, those gifts included use of a free vacation home on a private Caribbean island called "Mustique" from a businessman, a gift valued at $18,000.

They include dozens of mostly trinkets related to trade missions and other official duties. McAuliffe's list does not include access to posh vacation homes or tickets to high-priced sporting events that were frequently given to previous Virginia governors.
Virginia politicians are still reeling from the fallout of former Gov. Bob McDonnell's federal corruption conviction. The trial highlighted how a wealthy businessman lavished the McDonnell family with expensive gifts. Jonnie Williams, the former CEO of a dietary supplement maker, gave the McDonnells designer clothes, a Rolex and access to his Ferrari,Air Max 97 Wholesale, among other things. A jury found McDonnell and his wife,Cheap NFL Jerseys, Maureen,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, guilty of illegally helping promote Williams' products in exchange for more than $165,000 in gifts and loans. They are set to be sentenced next year.

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