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發表於 2018-2-19 14:45:50 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Making official the decision that had been expected for months, Johnson announced Sunday he is skipping his senior season and entering next year's NFL draft after a career in which he broke or tied at least 11 major Miami records.
"Looking at the list and the guys I've passed is an accomplishment in and of itself," Johnson said.
"One of the reasons I came to Miami was to play with Duke," said Yearby who, like Johnson, is a Miami-area native. "And I learned a lot from him about how to be great."
CORAL GABLES, Fla. (AP) — Duke Johnson remained committed to Miami even as an NCAA investigation loomed as a threat to the program, made an immediate splash in his Hurricane debut and spent three seasons rewriting the school's record book.
Miami players and coaches had known the decision was coming for several weeks, with quarterback Brad Kaaya describing Johnson as "a last-year guy" on Nov. 24.
Saturday's 24-21 loss to South Carolina in the Independence Bowl was Johnson's first and last college postseason appearance. He missed Miami's bowl loss to Louisville in 2013 with a broken ankle,Cheap Jordan Shoes For Sale.
Johnson rushed for 135 yards in his first college game and was an immediate star,NFL Jerseys Cheap Authentic, finishing his Miami career with 3,519 yards in 33 outings. He leaves the Hurricanes as the school's career record holder in rushing yards, yards per carry and all-purpose yards, as well as Miami's leader in kick returns for a game, a season and a career.
The Hurricanes were 20-13 in games when Johnson played,Cheap Adidas NHL Jerseys, and he fell short of one significant goal — bringing Miami back to some sort of championship level.
There was a significance to the date of Johnson's announcement — it was his mother's birthday. Johnson often says he plays football with the hopes of being able to one day provide for Cassandra Prophet-Mitchell and his family, and now those days are closer than ever.
"The value for running backs isn't that high," said Johnson, a 5-foot-9 running back who finished with 1,652 yards this season. "I think it's best to get out when I can."
"If he stayed," Miami backup quarterback Ryan Williams said, "he'd only be breaking his own records."
Sophomore-to-be Joe Yearby figures to take over as the featured back,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, after running for 509 yards this year.
Some draft experts say Johnson could be a second-round selection.
Miami and Johnson would have played in the Atlantic Coast Conference championship game in 2012 if not for a second straight year of self-imposed sanctions brought on by the long NCAA investigation into the actions of a rogue former booster.
"As a kid,Cheap Jerseys 2018, I always wanted to come here,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping," Johnson said. "I loved it. I didn't want to leave it."
But officially, Miami won nothing during Johnson's time, not even a bowl game.
All that remains on his collegiate to-do list is a degree, and that'll get done — eventually.
Johnson is one of several key departing Hurricanes, that list including linebacker Denzel Perryman, tight end Clive Walford, wide receiver Phillip Dorsett and offensive linemen Jon Feliciano and Shane McDermott. Junior left tackle Ereck Flowers has not announced his plans for 2015.
He also tied school records with 14 games of at least 100 yards rushing, six straight 100-yard games, a 90-yard run from scrimmage and two kickoff return touchdowns.

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