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[本地音樂] Wholesale China Jerseys Chartered Accountant Christopher Ram









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發表於 2018-2-19 18:05:12 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Junior Finance Minister, Juan Edghill,Wholesale NFL Jerseys 2018, has denied barring media from asking questions during Thursday’s ‘stakeholders’ forum of the Amaila Falls hydro project.Junior Finance Minister, Juan EdghillBut recordings revealed that Edghill actually said,Wholesale China Jerseys, “I would not be taking questions from the media. The media has sufficient and enough opportunities to field all their questions. It would be improper for me to have three hundred-plus stakeholders at a forum and then I am taking questions from the media which they have opportunities -three,Wholesale Adidas Hockey Jerseys, four,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, five times a week-to do.”Only one question was allowed and it came from Stabroek News before Edghill as Chairperson stepped in.Yesterday, in a statement from Minister Edghill, he denied barring the media from asking questions.“I merely advised the media to make use of the several opportunities that are available to them on a weekly basis to ask their questions. This was purely to allow for fuller participation by all. To ascribe a motive is simply being mischievous.  No one present listening to the tone and content of what was said could have concluded that the media was being barred. It was never an issue.”He said that Kaieteur News, in a “shameless attempt” to hide the positive results of the consultation held at the Guyana International Conference Center, has concocted a headline story titled “Media barred from asking questions.”“This is a total misrepresentation and a twisting of the facts to achieve a pre-determined agenda best known to the Kaieteur News.”Edghill said that he directed to media to use the other forums, taking into consideration the fact that there were over 300 persons there.“I therefore reject Kaieteur News’s fabrication in its entirety. I will advise journalists to “report the news and not make the news.”What did the stakeholders understand by his comment, “I would not be taking questions from the media. The media has sufficient and enough opportunities to field all their questions”?It must be that Edghill was surprised that his decision to bar the media was highlighted and he became embarrassed, said one media owner.The result is that he resorted to a blatant untruth and deception.The government had sought to postpone parliament to hold the forum to seek support for the controversial Amaila falls project.Some stakeholders left the forum with unanswered questions. One of them,Cheap Air Jordan Shoes Wholesale, Chartered Accountant Christopher Ram,China NFL Jerseys, has since written to President Donald Ramotar.

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