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發表於 2018-2-19 20:27:10 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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–    jury empanelled for three murder casesTwo hundred and thirty-five (235) cases are listed for the January session of the Demerara Criminal Assizes which commenced yesterday. Justice Navindra Singh took the salute and inspected the ceremonial Guard of Honour.Several top ranking police officials were present at yesterday’s parade, among them Divisional Commander George Vyphuis.Justice Navindra Singh being escorted during the inspection of the ceremonial Guard of Honour.Three murder trials are expected to get underway today. For the beginning of the session,NFL Jerseys China, five prisoners are expected to face the judges.Justice Singh will hear the case of Latiff and Arif Mohamed who are accused of murdering Jairam Balgobin, called ‘Bark’ at Success Squatting Area in March 2008. The accused is being represented by Attorney-at-law Peter Hugh, while the prosecution is headed by State Prosecutor Konyo Sandiford.Justice Roxanne-George-Wiltshire will hear the case of Kenise Glasgow, who is accused of murdering Christie Sookra. His lawyer is Basil Williams,Cheap NHL Jerseys, while the state will be represented by Prosecutor Rhondel Weaver.Justice Dawn Gregory will preside over the case of Mortimer Melville and Jevon Ismond who were charged with murder in August of 2007.A mixed jury has been empanelled for all three murder cases.Two hundred and forty (240) cases were listed for the October 2012 Demerara Assizes. Three judges presided and completed eight of the matters.Justice Navindra Singh and Justice Diana Insanally presided and were later joined by Justice James Bovell-Drakes. Among those cases was that of 41-year-old Dexter Moseley of Lot 4 Kara Kara,Air Max 97 Buy Online, Linden. He was sentenced to 14 years’ imprisonment for murdering his aunt in 2007 after pleading guilty to manslaughter.Dwayne Jordan,Cheap Nike Air Max 97 Shoes For Women, a 40-year-old carpenter of Lot 24 Back Street, Den Amstel, was sentenced to death after he was found guilty of murdering his 30-year-old wife,Cheap Air Max 95, Claudine Donetta Rampersaud.Cyon ‘Picture Boy’ Collier’s case ended in a hung jury. He was charged for the double murder of Victoria brothers,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, Ray Walcott, called ‘ Sugar’ and Carl Andrews, called ‘Alo’. Eight jurors felt that the accused was guilty, while four believed otherwise.

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