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發表於 2018-2-19 21:18:57 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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He gave veterans lots of days off and the young guys plenty of snaps.
After his strip-sack of Russell Wilson on the game's second snap, Von Miller retreated to the sideline to watch Anunike, Darius Kilgo, Shaq Barrett, Josh Furman,Wholesale Jerseys Cheap, Gerald Rivers and Malik Jackson also dump the quarterback.

On special teams, the Broncos allowed the Seahawks to return six kickoffs for a whopping 236 yards and a touchdown. They also fumbled two punts.
"I think it is an open competition," on the depth chart, said Fowler, who hauled in a 41-yard reception from rookie Trevor Siemian. "Besides D.T.,Andre Branch Dolphins Jersey, Emmanuel and Cody, the solidified guys, I think everybody has an opportunity. We all got opportunities last night. So, everybody is competing for those last couple spots.
"I saw him last year sitting behind Peyton and you could just see somebody who was super talented," second-year defensive end Kenny Anunike said. "He's the understudy of Peyton and he's learning and you can see that. Now he's kind of branching out and he's able to take charge out there. He was commanding that offense and just marching down the field."
"I think there's room for everybody."
Not all the backups were feeling good about themselves heading into the weekend, however.
Led by Anunike's eight tackles, two quarterback hurries and a forced fumble, Denver's defense batted down five passes, pressured the passer 13 times,Cheap Jerseys, forced four fumbles and recovered two.
"You hope you can keep them all but we all know that you can't," Anunike said. "Every day is an audition out there and you're not only auditioning for this team, you're auditioning for all 32 teams. If you're not playing here,Cheap Jerseys China, you're going to be playing somewhere else."
Well, not everyone.
Pro Bowlers Demaryius Thomas and Emmanuel Sanders sat out against the Seahawks, but Virgil Green (five catches for 45 yards), Cody Latimer (four for 49) and Bennie Fowler (three for 67) all had big nights.
ENGLEWOOD, Colo. (AP) — Gary Kubiak's goal in the offseason was to bridge the gap between the Denver Broncos' star-studded starting lineup and the backups.
"I think we did kind of showed the world that we have a super deep bench," Anunike said.
Behind a young O-line that held up well after allowing a sack early on, Osweiler completed 15 of 20 passes for 151 yards and a TD and led Denver to scores on all five of its drives in Denver's 22-20 victory Friday night.
The fruits of that approach showed up in their exhibition opener at Seattle,NFL Cheap Jerseys, where the Broncos flaunted their defensive depth and fourth-year quarterback Brock Osweiler posted his best performance of his prolonged apprenticeship under Peyton Manning.
"Obviously we have a lot of things to clean up there,Cheap Jerseys China," Kubiak said.
It was testament to the extra work Osweiler has gotten every few days when Kubiak gives Manning the day off to keep his 39-year-old QB fresh.
Such is the state of the franchise, where the Broncos have already seen a player they cut — punter Karl Schmitz — snapped up by another team — Tampa Bay.

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