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[本地歌詞] Wholesale NBA Jerseys who is accused of having in her possession









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發表於 2018-2-19 22:19:55 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Bryan Small of lot 74 Campbellville Housing Scheme, Georgetown,Hockey Jerseys 2018 Cheap, found himself before acting Chief Magistrate Priya Beharry at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court after ranks from Custom Anti Narcotics Unit (CANU) allegedly found a quantity of marijuana in his house.Small pleaded not guilty and was represented by attorney at-law Euclyn Gomes.According to CANU prosecutor, Oswald Massiah, on January 1, ranks acted on information and swooped down on a house located at lot 74 Campbellville, Georgetown.They notified Small who was in the house at the time, of the purpose for their visit.  As a result the accused let the lawmen into his home and a search was conducted. CANU ranks later unearthed 123 grams of marijuana stashed behind a chair in the house.He was cautioned, arrested and taken to the station where he was charged and placed into custody.Gomes in his bail application told the court that the house his client lives in, is occupy by several other persons and there is likelihood that the drugs could have been the property of someone else.The lawyer went on to explain that after his client was arrested he did not admit mental or physical ownership of the illegal substance. Gomes said that he is outraged to hear the prosecution say that the marijuana belonged to the accused.With that he applied for bail in a reasonable sum, citing the fact that his client is gainfully employed as a sailor on an International cruise ship. The lawyer also mentioned that the accused has six children and is a first time offender.But bail was objected to by Massiah, thus Small will remain a guest of the state. The matter will be called again on March 2.Also appearing before the same Magistrate was June Percival of 121 Campbellville Housing Scheme, Georgetown, who is accused of having in her possession,Cheap China Jerseys, seven grams of cannabis.She was apprehended by CANU ranks on January 1,Cheap Huarache Shoes For Men, after a search was conducted in her house.Percival who pleaded not guilty was represented by attorney at-law Hubert Rodney.CANU prosecutor Oswald Massiah related to the court that on the day in question,Wholesale Hockey Jerseys 2018, officers from the Customs Anti Narcotics Unit visited the home of the accused and conducted a search.The officers then unearthed seven grams of marijuana concealed in a fowl pen in the yard of Percival’s premises.  She was told of the offence and taken to the station where she admitted ownership.The attorney pleaded for his client to be released on reasonable bail, due to the fact that the accused is employed as a chef.  The lawyer related to the court that his client told the police that she smoke marijuana but she did not admit ownership of the drugs which was found in her yard.Massiah however objected to bail on the grounds that the accused is trying to mislead the court.He said that when Percival was arrested she told ranks that she is a housewife and not a chef. The prosecutor fears that if she is granted bail the court will experience difficulty locating her for the trial.However,NFL Jerseys Wholesale From China, bail was granted in the sum of $50,Jordan Shoes For Sale Cheap,000, and the matter was made returnable on February 10.

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