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發表於 2018-2-19 22:27:04 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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In the quest to award excellent coverage of children’s and women’s issues in Guyana by local media operatives, the United Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the Ministry of Labour, Human Services and Social Security have teamed up to introduce the first annual media awards. According to a statement issued yesterday UNICEF and the Ministry are inviting entries for the awards.The objectives of the awards are to encourage the promotion of news items, features and documentaries that illustrate the indissoluble link between children’s and women’s issues and development. They are also geared at increasing awareness of issues pertaining to children and women and other development issues and to influence the creation of a healthier and more protective environment to empower children and women as enshrined in the Convention on the Rights of The Child and CEDAW through the dissemination of reliable information. Further,Boston Celtics Jerseys, the awards are intended to encourage the coverage of news and the production of features, documenta­ries and related media materials on issues influencing or affecting the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals (MDG’s) pertaining to children and women.These awards are also designed to recognise the contribution of national journalists in placing is­sues related to the development of children and women on the public agenda and to improve the overall standards of journalism particularly on children’s and women’s and de­velopment issues.All entries for the award the statement said must have been published,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, broadcast or widely disseminated in the one year period commencing September 30,Wholesale Jerseys, 2009 – October 1, 2010. And no more than two entries will be accepted from any one person in each category. A series or a story pursued over more than one publication or programme will be considered a single entry. The entire entry must not exceed six pieces.Criteria for judging will include accuracy, analysis, balance, content, impact, originality, consis­tency of focus, relevance to issues affecting and influence the lives of women and children,Wholesale Jerseys, technique and timeliness, and in the case of broadcast entries,Cheap Jerseys From China, sound and technical quality.The categories of entry include print and television and will see entries being scrutinized to determine the best news story and the best feature article. Special awards will also be up for grabs for the young journalist from Guyana who has published or broadcast the best on Children’s issues.Winners will be eligible for a plaque and cheque and where several persons submit a joint entry,Undefeated Air Max 97 White, a single prize will be awarded to the person listed first on the entry form and considered the team leader unless the local UNICEF office is advised otherwise.Each award winner will be invited to receive an award at the presentation ceremony, which will be held in Guyana.Entries closing date is tomorrow and once entries are selected UNICEF will reserve the right to use work submitted in the competition to promote the aims of the competition and support related training exercise.

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