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發表於 2018-2-19 22:32:27 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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"We couldn't get much worse," Everett said.
Sumlin tried to eliminate questions about whether sophomore Kenny Hill or Allen, an early enrollee, is going to be the Aggies' quarterback in his opening statement. That will be settled on the practice fields — or perhaps during games — not at a podium before hundreds of reporters.
He said there's no leeway to have "a bunch of rebuilding years" but they might not be necessary anyway after a couple of highly rated recruiting classes,Adam Joseph Duhe Dolphins Jersey.
A few minutes later,NFL Jerseys Clearance, Sumlin smiled and didn't take the bait when asked about Manziel's night life these days.
"We have our own expectations," Sumlin said. "We have to because Year One, nobody expected anything out of us. Last year, we were expected to beat the Green Bay Packers. I have to have a reasonable expectation for what we try to do."
The Aggies coach couldn't avoid interest in life without his former superstar quarterback on Tuesday at Southeastern Conference media days. First podium question: What's it like to not be coaching Johnny Manziel?
"I understand there's not going to be another Johnny Manziel, the way he played the game," Sumlin said. "Now does that mean that we change offensively? Maybe. Does that mean we changed offensively for him? That might be the case, too."
Texas A&M won 20 games in its first two seasons in the SEC with Manziel, the 2012 Heisman Trophy winner. Now, the Aggies get a chance to prove they can win big in the powerhouse league even without Manziel. Sumlin said having players like the nation's top-rated quarterback recruit, Kyle Allen, makes the task more exciting.
Sumlin said he doesn't adorn the walls at the football complex with motivational signs. Two that did make the cut, he said. "No excuses"  and "It's about us."
That's not the only question facing the Aggies despite the loss of offensive stars,Adidas NHL Jerseys China.
Closer to home, the Aggies must replace three NFL first-round picks, including the swashbuckling quarterback.
Left tackle Cedric Ogbuehi said he has "a lot of confidence" in both young quarterbacks,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys.
HOOVER, Ala. (AP) — Kevin Sumlin headed off questions about Texas A&M's quarterback of the future, whoever that might be.
The Aggies defense yielded league-worst 32.2 points and 475.8 yards per game last season. Cornerback Deshazor Everett said there were issues with communication and understanding of the defense and believes they'll be better this season.
"Is this the SEC media days,Wholesale Jerseys China," he asked. "That's a great question about the Cleveland Browns."
"Both of them are doing a great job,Chile Jersey," said Ogbuehi, the latest Aggies' linemen being touted as a future first-round draft pick. "They're young but they're still being vocal. It's impressive to see young guys step up and lead some old players."

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