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發表於 2018-2-20 04:53:57 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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With defensive tackle Malcom Brown of Texas standing between Kraft and club president Jonathan Kraft, the three posed while holding up a No. 1 jersey. Then the Krafts turned away and walked off the field, as they usually do after opening such events, and left Brown to answer questions.
He's met his teammates and worked with them on the field.
Now he's part of a family with stars such as Brady and tight end Rob Gronkowski. He said he wasn't awe-struck when he met them.
He is impressed with the Krafts,Wholesale Jerseys China.
Not one of those seconds was devoted to the scandal.
"Family is a real important thing to me because I believe families should stick together," he said
Being married with two children gives him extra motivation because he has to support them.
"It's our privilege of introducing to you all our 22nd first-rounder," Kraft told reporters.
Brown spoke repeatedly about working hard. There were two questions related to Brady and the scandal which led to the quarterback's suspension for the first four games of the 2015 season, pending an appeal that already has been filed.
Except when the talk is about deflated footballs.
Kraft said on May 19 he wanted to end the "dialogue and rhetoric" and would not oppose the $1 million fine and loss of two draft choices the NFL penalized the team for its role in using underinflated footballs in the AFC championship game,Air Max 97 Silver Bullet Uk.
Asked if he received advice about dealing with the media since the Wells Report commissioned by the NFL was issued May 6 and the NFL punished the Patriots and Brady on May 11, Brown said,Wholesale Cheap Jerseys, "I really haven't been focusing toward that. ... I'm just here to work."
On March 10, the Patriots let 11-year veteran Vince Wilfork become a free agent. Six days later, the five-time Pro Bowl defensive tackle signed with the Houston Texans.
"I actually just walked up to Tom and shook his hand and we just went to our workout," Brown said.

"I think back to 21 years ago with Willie McGinest,Wholesale China Jerseys," said Kraft, who turns 74 on June 5. "It got me thinking. I hope I'm around 21 years from now and having the same privilege of introducing you, Malcom" as a team Hall of Famer.
"I can't be a good teammate if I'm focused on this and that," Brown said. "I just go ahead to work and use their work ethics to help mine."
Brown's formal introduction came one day after defensive end Willie McGinest, the first player drafted by the team under Kraft's ownership,Wholesale Jerseys, was selected for the Patriots Hall of Fame.
"It's just great being around those guys. They sign your paycheck, so it's fun," Brown said. "It's nice to have someone like that, not just stuck up in an office and won't talk to you. They're guys who will just sit there and talk to you."
Asked if Brady talked with Brown about his remark on draft night that he would be the best draft choice in Patriots history, he said his new teammates haven't ribbed him about that.
Brown is part of a youth movement at defensive tackle, where the Patriots drafted Dominique Easley out of Florida with the 29th pick in the first round last year. Brown was taken with the 32nd.
"Everybody's contributing to me learning," Brown said, "everybody on defense — linebackers,Cheap Jerseys Online, safeties."
At a ceremony introducing New England's first-round draft choice, the team's owner stood on a platform in the middle of the field where Tom Brady played with those footballs. Those ceremonies have been an annual tradition since Kraft's first year with the team in 1994.
FOXBOROUGH, Mass. (AP) — Robert Kraft spent 80 seconds Wednesday making his first public remarks since saying eight days earlier he wouldn't appeal the Patriots' punishment for using underinflated footballs.
"I haven't thought about replacing anyone," Brown said. "I'm just here to work."

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