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發表於 2018-2-20 09:21:08 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A city businessman was pronounced dead on arrival at the Georgetown Public Hospital early yesterday morning with a single gunshot wound to his head.Dead: 36-year-old Andre Khan There are reports that 36-year-old Andre Khan of Lot 2 George Street, Werk-en-Rust, was found slumped in his vehicle PKK 1999.According to a police statement on the matter,Cheap Air Max 90 Men Shoes, around 03:45 hours, Khan was found in his vehicle on Queen Street, Kitty. It was stated by the police that Khan,Wholesale Jerseys NFL, who is a licensed firearm holder,Wholesale NBA Jerseys, is suspected to have shot himself while driving his vehicle which then crashed into a parked motor car on the roadway.The firearm has been recovered by the police and the body is at the GPHC mortuary as  investigations continue.Residents of the area told this publication that they noticed the vehicle proceeding along Queen Street when a gun shot rang out.“After we hear this gunshot everybody run but then we see this vehicle start swerving on the road and then into this car.”Persons who witnessed the incident said that after the car crashed people ran to see what had happened and found Khan bleeding profusely from an injury to his head.The police were immediately summoned to the area and the man was removed from the vehicle and taken to the hospital where he was pronounced dead on arrival.A car which was parked on the parapet was seriously damaged. Khan’s vehicle was eventually removed from the scene.Meanwhile, a person close to the dead man told this publication that the man was having domestic problems with his wife. These problems caused him to move out of his matrimonial home.This publication was told that Khan had been staying with a friend at Gordon Street,Cheap Jerseys, Kitty. Not long before his death he had sent pizza for his two children and indicated to his wife, Onica Khan,Cheap China Jerseys, that he was at a night club.The businessman’s vehicle after it came to a screeching halt on Queen Street early yesterday morning. The man’s relatives were very tight lipped about the incident but noted that they are at a loss,Wholesale China Jerseys, too, about what really transpired.Khan worked along with his father at the Best Buy Pharmacy which is located at Regent Street.

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