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發表於 2018-2-20 17:07:00 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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TAMPA, Fla. (AP) — Jameis Winston has a sprained ankle that the rookie quarterback and Tampa Bay Buccaneers say is not a major concern.
"As an offense in general, we took two steps forward against Cincinnati and we took a step backward in this last game," Koetter said. "There were so many breakdowns across the board. ... One thing after another went wrong. Not all Jameis' fault."
A revamped offensive line featuring three new young starters — two of them rookies — also struggled to protect Winston against the Browns, who used a variety of blitzes to pressure the quarterback.

Winston twisted his right ankle during the Bucs' second preseason game on Aug,Cheap NFL Jerseys China. 24. The injury has not kept the No. 1 overall pick in the NFL draft off the field.
Winston called the poor outing against Cleveland a learning experience. He also said his ankle was not a factor against the Bengals.
The rookie limped off the field after a sack against the Bengals,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, although he and Smith played down the severity of the injury after the game.
In addition to playing into the third quarter of last weekend's 31-7 loss to the Cleveland Browns,Cheap Jerseys From China, Winston continues to practice.
Offensive coordinator Dirk Koetter said the ankle sprain has affected Winston "a little bit,Adidas Superstar Shoes On Sale," but that the young quarterback should be ready for the season opener against Tennessee on Sept. 13.
"It's not anything he can't play on," Koetter said. "Even in practice, you can't keep him out. ... We'll get him healthy. He's got a sprained ankle. If you've ever had one, and you have to move around, it can be painful."
"He's come a long way for a rookie quarterback," Smith said,Air Max 97 Buy Online, remaining coy about the plan against the Dolphins. "We feel real good about where he is."
Winston has completed 48.9 percent of his passes for 311 yards, no touchdowns and two interceptions in three preseason games. He's run for two TDs,Nike Air Max Outlet Store, but also been sacked seven times.
Coach Lovie Smith has been noncommittal about how much, if any, the 2013 Heisman Trophy winner and the rest of Tampa Bay's regulars might play in Thursday's night preseason finale at Miami.
"Pain is temporary. I really don't focus on that at all," Winston said Monday. "I played last year at Florida State with a sprained ankle, so that's the least of my worries. My job is to go out there and play quarterback and fight for the team."

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