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Wholesale Jerseys said that he is of the impression that the









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發表於 2018-2-20 18:28:14 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Amidst a worrying spate of armed robberies, Chief Executive Officer of Roraima Airways,Wholesale NFL Jerseys China, Gerry Gouveia has offered the Guyana Police Force one hour aerial patrol every month in areas where crimes are usually committed.CEO of Roraima Airways, Gerry GouveiaThis offer comes at no cost to the Force.It was during a press conference on Monday at the Police Officers’ Mess at Eve Leary that the businessman offered his company’s services. He indicated that the police can use the one-hour aerial time to the best of their ability.Commissioner of Police Seelall Persaud assured the businessman that the police will definitely take him up on his offer.Gouveia suggested to the gathering of senior police officers that members of the Guyana Defence Force should join the fight against crime. He said that although he is against the army being involved in crime-fighting in a small country like Guyana, the time has reached for the army to become involved.“When people lack confidence,Wholesale Jerseys, they start taking the law in their own hands…I think the army needs to join the fight under the police command and there should be an increase presence in armed patrols, especially where the crime statistics show crime is happening,” he noted.Last Friday, the Ministry of Presidency announced that there will be joint patrols by the army and police to tackle any potential threat to domestic security.The release stated that the Joint Services operations will target areas that are considered hot spots for criminal activity. It was noted that the decision to bring out the Joint Services was necessitated after the government received credible information related to a potential domestic security threat.”That coupled with increased criminal activity has resulted in the decision by the administration to institute security measures in targeted areas,” the release stated.President David Granger during his weekly televised show, Public Interest, said that he is of the impression that the (criminal) acts are deliberate ones to embarrass the Guyana Police Force and Government of Guyana.Over the last few weeks,Cheap Soccer Jerseys For Sale, there have been several home invasions, in Berbice especially, and another at Diamond,China Jerseys Cheap, East Bank Demerara,Jerseys China Cheap NFL, which grabbed headlines, in which the home owner shot one of the bandits dead.There have been a number of gas station and supermarket robberies, with indications that the bandits prefer the faster getaway – CG motorcycles.Still,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, a number of the robberies are pointing to inside jobs, with the police making significant headway in cracking the cases.

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