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發表於 2018-2-21 07:51:04 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The likelihood of another antiretroviral shortage locally is very slim. Word from the National AIDS Programme Secretariat suggests that there is currently an adequate supply of drugs that will be available for the rest of the year and even into the New Year.According to a statement released by National AIDS Committee last evening,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, this disclosure was made during a meeting between members of the Committee and NAPS Programme Manager, Dr Shanti Singh.It was revealed that a delegation from the Committee had met with the Programme Manager, last week Thursday and held discussions on five HIV/AIDS-related areas.  The meeting reportedly occurred during the 10th anniversary of the death of the first independent Chair of the National AIDS Committee (NAC), Andre Sobryan.The forum saw priority being given to understanding the recent shortage of ARVs at the National Care & Treatment Centres countrywide as NAPS has the responsibility to deal with the technical-clinical issues with respect to ARVs.It was revealed that from meetings held since early June between NAPS and the technical team responsible for procurement within the Ministry of Health, adequate stocks of drugs were in place at the time and orders had been placed for additional supplies.“Evidently, instead of five sets of drugs on order, the shipment only saw the arrival of two types.  However, a crisis was averted at the beginning of September when emergency action to obtain one of the main ARVs proved successful,” the discussions revealed.The NAC members at the meeting were further assured that there are adequate supplies of drugs up to year-end and into 2011.  Through funding from the Global Fund supplies ought to be guaranteed for the next three years, NAC added.  As at the end of June, there were 2,966 patients on ARVs.NAC members at the meeting were informed that the possibility of adverse effects if the combination drug regiment is interrupted should not be possible since the interruption caused by the recent shortage only lasted for 10 days.  Reference was also made to structured periods when patients can withdraw from treatment.After expressing concern on staffing at the National Care and Treatment Centre following the resignation of two senior Guyanese doctors,Cheap Arizona Cardinals Jerseys, including the Director of the Centre, the NAC was assured that there are three trained doctors currently at the Centre, and a team of some 11 doctors has been trained for the Regions.This team would also assist in the re-placement of UN Volunteer (UNV) doctors. Length of service and duration of stay at interior hospitals of trained HIV/AIDS doctors was also briefly discussed.The issue was also raised of a special training seminar on HIV prevention, treatment and care for Cuban doctors currently serving in Guyana and the new batches of qualified Guyanese medical practitioners from Cuba.The NAC has since promised to follow up the issue, indicating plans to also have the matter be addressed by the Minister with responsibility for Public Service, Dr. Jennifer Westford, and the Minister within the Ministry of Health, Dr. Bheri Ramsarran.With respect to adequate stocks of condoms,NFL Jerseys Wholesale, the NAC was informed that NAPS alone was responsible for distributing approximately three million pieces of male and female condoms during 2009. However, follow-up reports are to be received, including 2010 breakdown figures and projections.Meanwhile,Jae Crowder Jersey, discussions also took place on the increase of dengue fever both on the coast and interior and the risk of co-infection.  Given the paucity of data in Guyana and the Caribbean, and in keeping with CARECs advisory,Adidas Nmd r1 Pink, the NAC believes that all clinicians should document any history of dengue infection among HIV-infected patients.The need to observe, “unusual or unexplained clinical manifestations or adverse effects of medications used to treat HIV and HIV-related conditions among persons co-infected with HIV and dengue was also suggested by NAC.The delegation shared copies with the Programme Manager of relevant case studies (Brazil & Singapore),Cheap NFL Jerseys China, information received from the local East Coast Clean-Up Committee and alerted the Programme Manager of the NAC intention of adapting such information for use in its constituency.Persons living with HIV and AIDS are more at risk from mosquito-borne diseases such as dengue and malaria.

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