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Cheap NFL Jerseys China ” said Singh.In the wake of the woman’s plight









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發表於 2018-2-21 09:50:10 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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With a trembling voice Dularie Singh, an 80- year-old woman yesterday recounted the events leading up to her being verbally abused by her tenants who are American-based missionaries.Mrs. Singh reported that she rented the bottom flat of her house located at lot 78 Atlantic Garden,Cheap Football Jerseys, East Coast Demerara to the two male missionaries for approximately three years.  The agreement was that the tenants pay $25,Adidas Superstar Shoes For Women,000 per month and take full responsibility for their light and water bills.Everything was normal up to late last month when the water bill came very high.As a result the elderly Singh approached her tenants to discuss a possible payment plan. Singh also spoke about pleading with the men to resist from using the water pump because she suspected it was causing the bills to “skyrocket”.That was when her troubles began. The woman claimed that the two missionaries abused her using indecent language. They also called her ill names.The woman said that the two men vacated her property yesterday but several of their bills are yet to be paid. She is now counting her losses that include damage done to the apartment.Still in a state of shock Singh added that she is a very religious woman who is highly respected in her neighbourhood.Consequential to her being abused,Cheap Jerseys From China, she felt embarrassed and was afraid of the men.  The elderly woman usually lives alone in the upper story of the said building.She said that most of the cupboards and the bathroom in the rented apartment are damaged beyond repair. She added that before the apartment can be put back on the market for rental she will have to spend thousands of dollars.“At first I thought they were Christians but they had prove themselves to be something else…I can’t believe Christians behave so unmannerly,” said Singh.In the wake of the woman’s plight,Wholesale Jerseys, several residences came forward to voice their dissatisfaction over the way the missionaries treated the elderly woman.One woman who requested to remain anonymous reported that she knew Mrs. Singh for several years and Wednesday’s incident came as a shock to her.“That woman live by herself for many years and probably because she has no one to stand by her side they took advantage of the situation…I can’t believe persons who call themselves Christians will treat their brothers and sisters like that,Wholesale MLB Jerseys 2018, I think they are playing with God.”When asked if the matter was reported to the police,Cheap NFL Jerseys Online, Singh said that she is a very sickly woman and due to the “run a round” persons usually experience from the police she decided to not report the incident.

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