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發表於 2018-2-21 15:35:31 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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"As soon as that little brown thing moved, they moved,Wholesale NFL Jerseys," Fisher said. "Which is good."
So far, so good. Fisher wants them keeping their eye on the ball.
Brockers was whistled in each of the Vikings' first two drives,Cheap Carolina Panthers Jerseys, helping Minnesota get a field goal and touchdown for a 10-0 lead.
"I mean, their up-front guys, it's hard to find that much talent on one defense,NFL Jerseys China," Bears coach John Fox said. "Their No. 2s could start with quite a few teams around the league."
The Rams (4-4) have the fifth-ranked defense in the NFL and are tied for second with 27 sacks, so they're obviously doing a lot of things right. Just ask this week's opponent.
Coach Jeff Fisher is fed up with the ongoing problem.
Notes: Fisher said WR Wes Welker picked up a lot for his second practice and will likely be a game-day decision with at least a limited package. "It went great," Welker said. "I'm fired up about it." ... S T.J. McDonald (foot),Nike Air Max 2018 Womens, RB Todd Gurley (coach's decision-rest) and OLB Akeem Ayers (illness) were among six players that did not practice Wednesday. Two of them, DE Robert Quinn (knee) and G Todd Havenstein (Achilles), are expected back Friday when the team returns after a day off. DE Chris Long (knee) is still weeks away from returning.
"I'll back them off," Fisher said. "They can line up 3 yards off the ball and we'll get a running start after the ball's snapped."
"Teams that lead the NFL in sacks usually have a lot of offside penalties, and teams that are at the bottom have few," middle linebacker James Laurinaitis said. "But we can't be naive and think it's not a problem."
"We recognize it as a problem," Laurinaitis said. "Trust me, Gregg has harped on it for weeks."
"It's a fine line, being a get-off team and being offside," Hayes said. "We've got to be smarter. These penalties are starting to pile up."
Tackle Michael Brockers has been a frequent offender, too. He said he's been "way too aggressive," and from here on out will watch for the ball, and his man, to move first.
"For me last week, it was really uncharacteristic,Cheap Jerseys From China," Hayes said. "We've just got to tone it down and play disciplined."
That won't happen, but it gets players' attention.
Hayes was penalized in the third and fourth quarters, but it didn't lead to points.

First-and-5 makes it a lot tougher to get stops.
The pre-snap penalties could simply be a byproduct of that aggressive approach under Fisher and defensive coordinator Gregg Williams.
"Guys want to take advantage,Cheap Air Max 2018, and that's what I have been trying to do," Brockers said. "I am working on it."
Nick Fairley was whistled to give Minnesota first-and-5 at the St. Louis 12 and two plays later Adrian Peterson ran it in for a 6-yard score.
ST. LOUIS (AP) — St. Louis Rams defensive linemen jumped offside five times in last week's overtime loss at Minnesota.
William Hayes drew two of the offside calls. He thought the Rams have simply been overeager the past few games.
More than once, players have been threatened with a radical solution.

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