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[香港大學] Nike Air Max 1 Mens Trainers for no valid reason









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發表於 2018-2-21 18:51:10 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Under the proposed Time Limit for Judicial Decisions Bill 2008, a judge may be removed from office for failing to give decisions and reasons within a specified period after a matter has concluded.Over the years, there have been complaints by members of the legal profession about judges taking extended periods of time to render their decisions,Jerseys NFL Cheap, and this constitutes part of the backlog problem, attorney-at-law Khemraj Ramjattan has said.According to him, very often judges, for no valid reason, do not perform their function, which is primarily to give, in some detail, reasoned decisions when determining matters before them.Kaieteur News understands that Sections Three and Four of the Bill states that a decision should be given as soon as possible after the end of the trial, but no later than 120 days from the completion date of both civil and criminal matters within which a decision is given.The Bill provides for a judge to apply for an extension of time in writing to the Judicial Service Commission, at least 21 days before expiration of the prescribed time limit, providing reasons and any supporting evidence why he/she cannot meet the time limit,Cheap Jerseys Store, and shall propose the duration of any extension to be granted.However, if the Commission refuses to grant any extension,Brett Favre Falcons Jersey, a judge only has 10 days to give his/her decision.Attorney-at-Law and President of the Guyana Bar Association, Teni Housty, told this newspaper that when the Bill was proposed earlier this year, the Bar submitted some preliminary comments on the Bill, indicating that consultations among members of the profession are still ongoing, so there may be other views expressed in relation to the Bill.According to Housty,Cheap NFL Jerseys, the Bill separates civil decisions from criminal decisions, and there is need for some clarification where those issues are concerned.“In criminal cases, the verdict is given by the jury and not necessarily a judicial decision rendered by the judge. There will be times when, during the course of a trial, there is the need for a decision of the judge, for example, on a no-case submission, but so far as it seeks to extend the time limit to criminal trials, that needs to be reconsidered.”Another issue, he pointed out, is that the Bill says judges of the Supreme Court, but when one looks at the High Court Act, one has to determine when it can speak of the Supreme Court of Judicature, or if it also goes on to deal with judges of the Court of Appeal.“Generally, administrative issues of judges remain in the purview of the judges,Cheap Jerseys Wholesale, the Bill tends to make some reference to, in special cases, applications to the Judicial Services Commission, that may be taking the issue of extensions of time outside the scope of the actual structure of administration, so that is something we have to think about.”Housty said that it is a unique time in the evolution of legal system in Guyana,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, because there is the Justice Sector Modernization Programme which is ongoing. “It shows the need for the overall reform, and that is what is important.”He noted that this Bill needs to be included in that modernisation process.

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