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發表於 2018-2-21 19:05:03 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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However, NFL defense attorney Thad Behrens said the jury verdict achieves what the league had been willing to do all along.
Plaintiffs' attorney Michael Avenatti asked U.S. District Judge Barbara Lynn to withhold her final judgment until he can take a sworn statement from Scott Suprina, the contractor hired to install the 1,Cheap MLB Jerseys Authentic,200 temporary seats. Lynn said she would alert Avenatti in advance of any judgment finalizing the jury verdict.
"The NFL has always accepted responsibility for the problems that were experienced by some of its fans at Super Bowl XLV and has attempted from the beginning to compensate them for their genuinely received losses and inconvenience," Behrens said. Reading from a prepared statement,China Jerseys Wholesale, Behrens told reporters that the league was gratified that jurors agreed that it had not defrauded those fans.
Despite the split verdict, Avenatti hailed the jury's decision.
About 1,NFL Jerseys China,250 temporary seats were deemed unsafe hours before kickoff. That forced about 850 ticket holders to move to new seats and 400 others to standing-room areas. The NFL has said it fully compensated displaced fans.
Avenatti had filed an emergency motion on Wednesday, claiming the NFL had influenced Suprina's testimony in its favor during a video deposition played for the jury. Suprina told The Dallas Morning News he testified truthfully and crafted his statements in the league's favor only in public statements.
"I'm not blaming others. I'm blaming ourselves. I'm accepting responsibility," Goodell said in the deposition, which was recorded in 2013. "It is our event. It is our responsibility to produce it in a positive way and make sure we deliver on our promise."
The NFL must pay the money to the seven fans. Five said they ended up with no seats and two said they had obstructed views at the $1.2 billion stadium for the game in which Green Bay won the championship over Pittsburgh. The jury ordered compensation ranging from $5,670 to $22,000.
During his testimony, Jones denied suggestions the seating problems might have stemmed from his desire to set a Super Bowl attendance record.
"One of the most powerful,Cheap NFL Jerseys Supply, wealthiest organizations in the world was found by a jury here in Dallas to have cheated its fans and to have not kept its end of the bargain," he told reporters afterward.
DALLAS (AP) — A federal jury on Thursday ordered the NFL to pay nearly $76,Cheap Jerseys Supply,000 to fans affected by the 2011 Super Bowl seating mess in Texas, wrapping up a trial that included testimony from Commissioner Roger Goodell and Cowboys owner Jerry Jones.
The eight-member jury in Dallas concluded that the NFL breached its contracts with seven holders of tickets to the game at the Dallas Cowboys' stadium in Arlington. However,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, the jury concluded the league did not defraud the fans.
In videotaped testimony, Goodell said the league was responsible for the problems.

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