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Cheap MLB Jerseys Authentic which is prepared in Microsoft Project format









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Chairman of the Private Sector Commission (PSC) Gerry Gouveia has expressed confidence in the capacity and ability of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) to honour its mandates.A meeting between senior representatives of the PSC and GECOM took place yesterday at the GECOM Boardroom so that the PSC could be apprised of the current status of the National Identification Card production and distribution exercise,Cheap NFL Jerseys, preparations for the conduct of Claims and Objections exercise as a prerequisite for the holding of Local Government Elections, and the preparations for the conduct of these elections.A press statement from GECOM stated that Chairman,Cheap Jerseys Store, Dr. Steve Surujbally, gave detailed accounts of the status of the above referred activities, which are outlined in a GECOM Work Plan for the conduct of Local Government Elections.“This plan,Jae Crowder Jersey, which is prepared in Microsoft Project format, allows GECOM to monitor the implementation of the tasks delineated therein via critical path analyses.Dr. Surujbally assured the PSC team, which was headed by Mr. Gouveia, that GECOM is satisfied at the pace of implementation of the listed tasks. It was at this stage that Mr. Gouveia stated that the PSC does not need to be convinced about GECOM’s commitment to the highest standards in fulfilling its functions,” the statement noted.It was indicated that Gouveia was particularly concerned that approximately 30,Authentic Jerseys China,000 persons were unable to register during the 2008 House-to-House Registration exercise because they were not in possession of the required source documents, especially birth certificates.In this regard,Jerseys From China, the GECOM chairman revealed that the Commission had, via media releases, published notices and several meetings with the relevant agencies – inter alia the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Ministry of Amerindian Affairs emphasized the need for birth certificates to be applied for, produced and distributed to the applicants.He noted that the issuance of source documents was legally and administratively out of GECOM’s ambit.Additionally,Cheap MLB Jerseys China, Gouveia undertook to raise the birth certificate issue with the government and the relevant political parties.Both entities pledged to continue to communicate with each other towards the national good as far as GECOM’s work is concerned.

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