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Cheap Authentic Jerseys Mohamed Zaman









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發表於 2018-2-22 01:35:53 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Irate residents attack driver Returning home from a Valentine’s Day wedding, 21-year-old Community Policing Officer Navindra Seeram, of Middlesex, Essequibo, was struck down by a speeding taxi, HB 2139, at approximately 23:00 hours, along the Hibernia Public Road on the Essequibo Coast.The car which killed Navindra Seeram Seeram, who was attached to the Suddie Police Station,China Jerseys Cheap, had just left a wedding celebration in the Middlesex village, and was walking home when he stopped to urinate on the eastern side of the road.The driver of the taxi, which was travelling north along the public road reportedly at a fast rate of speed, lost control of the vehicle, which struck Seeram before ploughing into a fence.Seeram was taken to the Suddie Hospital, where he was pronounced dead on arrival. He had sustained multiple head injuries and broken limbs.Following the collision, bystanders reported that the driver of the taxi, David Livan, 52, of Airy Hall,Wholesale Jerseys China, Mahaicony, attempted to flee the scene of the accident.Public-spirited citizens caught him and administered a sound thrashing on him.A police report said that the driver of the motor car was reportedly attacked by irate residents, and has been admitted a patient at the hospital.Just last week,Cheap Nike Air Max 1, there were three road fatalities in Essequibo.On February 9, Ariel Sahoye, a three-year-old girl of Tuschen Housing Scheme, East Bank Essequibo, was killed when the bus that usually drops her home from school ran her over, killing her on the spot.In the early hours of the same day, a fatal accident occurred at Maria’s Lodge Public Road, Essequibo Coast, when motor pickup (GLL 4229) collided with a taxi (HB 5037),Evan Engram Jersey, resulting in the death of Abdool Zainool, 46,Wholesale China Jerseys, of Middlesex, Essequibo Coast.Passenger of the taxi, Mohamed Zaman, 36,China Jerseys Cheap, of Vilvoorden, Essequibo Coast, was admitted to the Suddie Hospital. He was hospitalized until his death on February 12.The recent upsurge in road fatalities in the Essequibo region has prompted Essequibians to call on the police to clamp down on speeding motorists.

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