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發表於 2018-2-22 05:37:53 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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"Yeah, I don't really play those what-if games. (Smith) went to San Fran,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, had a lot of different coordinators there, and I came here,Authentic China Jerseys," Rodgers said Thursday.
This week, Smith is coming to Lambeau. Rodgers and Smith have met twice before as starters while Smith was with the 49ers. Green Bay won in 2009, and San Francisco won in 2012.
As usual,Air Max 1 Atmos, Rodgers makes his most effective statements on the field.
GREEN BAY, Wis. (AP) — When it comes to the subject of what happened in the NFL draft a decade ago, Aaron Rodgers chooses not to get into hypotheticals.
NOTES: RB Eddie Lacy and WR Davante Adams missed practice on Thursday with ankle injuries. ... WR Randall Cobb was listed as a full participant at practice for the first time since spraining his right shoulder in the preseason. The Packers got an extra day off this week with practice pushed back because of the Monday night game. Cobb said the additional time off helped, but that the shoulder is still "not where I want it to be." ... LB Mike Neal (groin) was a limited participant in practice,Cheap Jerseys From China, and backup CB Demetri Goodson missed practice with a hamstring injury.
Smith moved on to Kansas City the following season, where he is entrenched as the starter. Rodgers said he is good buddies with Smith.
Coach and quarterback have become quite the pair in building one of the best passing games in the league. No need to rehash the past.
Rodgers dropped to the 24th overall pick that year to Green Bay,Cheap Authentic Jerseys. McCarthy took over as Packers head coach the following season.
Alex Smith went to the San Francisco 49ers that year with the first overall pick. Their offensive coordinator that year was Mike McCarthy.
Smith is now the quarterback of the Kansas City Chiefs, who visit Lambeau Field on Monday night. And that intersection is dredging up questions about draft night in 2005.
"I'm really happy for him," Rodgers said. "He's one of those guys I really pull for when I'm not playing him. So,Cheap Jerseys 2018, it's good to spend a little time with him and no animosity whatsoever."
"That's ancient history as far as I'm concerned," Rodgers said.
"I think Aaron's very self-motivated from a number of different things. I'm sure he'll enjoy answering that question this week," McCarthy said.

Last week, Rodgers led a 10-play, 80-yard drive in the fourth quarter that helped the Packers beat the Seattle Seahawks 27-17 in a rematch of last season's NFC title game. Rodgers outplayed Seattle's Russell Wilson in the fourth quarter.
One Super Bowl ring and two Most Valuable Player Awards later, things have worked out just fine for Rodgers.

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