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發表於 2018-2-22 05:52:38 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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The police say they are still actively investigating the murder of miners at Lindo Creek,Cheap NFL Jerseys China Wholesale, Upper Berbice River,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, but indicated that any possible charges will depend on the DNA findings being conducted by their Jamaican counterparts.Speaking with this newspaper yesterday,Nike NFL Jerseys China, Crime Chief Seelall Persaud said that any charges will occur after the Jamaicans have sent their report.He explained that in light of speculations that there may be a ninth victim, the DNA results will definitively conclude if the remains recovered number more than eight persons.“We cannot go ahead and charge anybody right now because we don’t even know for sure who the persons were that were killed. The DNA will tell us that,” the crime chief told this newspaper.“We can’t prove who were killed. All we have now is circumstantial evidence,” he added.According to Persaud,Cheap NFL Jerseys, it is not unusual for DNA testing to take some time before the results could be had.  And given the fact that the tests involve the remains of several persons,Cheap Jerseys China, it will take a while.He explained that it also took investigators from the US Federal Bureau of Investigations some time to determine through DNA, the identity of the remains of an American-born hotelier that was discovered on the Linden/Soesdyke Highway.At the moment, the police still have a suspect in the Lindo Creek matter in custody but this newspaper understands that the person is already on remand for another crime.Speculations have surfaced that another person may have escaped the Lindo Creek mayhem.Leonard Arokium in a recent statement had claimed that he was informed that an Amerindian labourer had accompanied his son to the camp, shortly before the massacre.But according to the Crime Chief, investigators have spoken to a number of persons in the area and the information appeared to be a rumour.He stated that when the results of the DNA tests are available,Cheap Jerseys 2018, the police will forward the file on the matter to the Director of Public Prosecutions for advice.The police have laid the deaths of the miners on the Rondell Rawlins gang,Cheap Jerseys, while the dredge owner is adamant that it was the work of the security forces.

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