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[健身] Cheap Nike Air Max 97 Shoes after the man demanded more money for a second time









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發表於 2018-2-22 07:45:50 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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–    “I told him I could be his grandmother and he said ‘what f***ing grandmother… lie down leh I f*** you’.”A female security guard was raped twice within 35 minutes last Monday after a young robber broke into the guard hut she was in at a Day Care Centre in East Ruimveldt, Georgetown.The 60-year-old woman was beaten and robbed before being raped twice by the man,Jerseys From China, who was arrested Wednesday night.This occurred around 01:00 hr. on Monday last.Yesterday,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, the woman recalled her horrifying ordeal and claimed that after she was sexually molested; her attacker had her walking naked towards an isolated area to kill her.Luckily,Wholesale China Jerseys, a resident who resides nearby heard the commotion and came out just in time to rescue the elderly woman.The mother of five explained that she was in the guard hut at the day care centre when she noticed a shadow.“I got up and asked who was there and then I see like someone ducking and then the person suddenly raised up with a jersey over his face and stare at me,” the security guard recalled.While holding a wood in his hand and threatening to kill her, the man demanded her purse.“I gave him the purse and he asked me how much I got in it and I said $18,240. When he checked he said that I lie, he only see $240. He cuff me twice and he said if he can’t get money, he ‘got to get f***,’” the woman claimed.She added that the man demanded that she remove her pants and underwear. He dragged her to the ball field in the day care compound (a bushy area) and raped her.“When he done, he tell me to get up and he walk back in front and he keep asking for more money. All this time I keep remembering all those old people who were raped and killed and I was praying not to be one of them,Nike Air Vapor Max Flyknit On Sale,” she said.According to the elderly woman, after the man demanded more money for a second time, he told her that he needed to have intercourse with her again,NFL Jerseys Store, since she didn’t have any money to give him.“He asked me how old I was and I said 60. I told him that I could be his grandmother and he said ‘what f***ing grandmother… lie down leh I f*** you’. He asked me if I got man and so,” the woman said.The victim said that when her attacker noticed that she was crying, he threatened her. “When I screamed for help,Authentic NFL Jerseys Cheap, he said he will kill me and that no one will hear.”Kaieteur News was told that after the mother of five was raped for a second time, her attacker demanded that she remove all her clothing.“He said that he has to kill me now and I keep crying and begging. He told me to walk and then a man that live a short distance away came out and call out for me and I started hollering for help and he (attacker) run away,” the woman revealed.The matter was reported to the police and the suspect was later arrested.Investigations are ongoing.

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