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發表於 2018-2-22 10:59:07 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Kamela Singh The Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) has expressed its disappointment at an article which appeared in Sunday’s edition of this newspaper, under the headlines, ‘Woman goes blind after receiving “eye drops” – wandered around city for two days’.Kaieteur News had reported that 44-year-old Kamela Devi Singh had lost her eyesight after she received a dose of eye drops from the GPHC.Her relatives had told this newspaper that the woman had left her Lusignan home on East Coast Demerara to attend the clinic at the public hospital, but two days passed and she failed to return home. It was explained that after she received the drops in her eyes,NHL Ice Hockey Jerseys, she started to see blurred images and as a result, could not find her way home.The GPHC in a press release issued yesterday stated that the woman visited the Georgetown Public Hospital and was diagnosed with macular disease – a degenerative condition which causes a person to lose his or her sight.The release also added that she was also diagnosed with diabetes.The hospital is also claiming that the woman did not go blind as a result of the eye drops.“Ms. Singh was placed on medication and ordered to visit the clinic for regular checkups. Ms. Singh’s visual activity when she first visited the hospital in 2006 was 20/100 which can be classified as poor.(Her) blindness was not a result of the eye drops she received but her deteriorating medical condition,Cheap NFL Jerseys China,” the press release stated. The release noted that when information is misrepresented in the media, it decreases the morale of the staff.It was explained that the eye clinic is one of the busiest areas at the hospital and more than 100 patients are seen on a daily basis.“Nurses usually work conscientiously to ensure that patients receive the necessary and needed treatment and matters like these cause them great distress,” the release stated.Currently,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, Singh is still struggling to see clearly,Air Max 97 For Sale, and according to her relatives, her vision remains blurred. She has since been released from the hospital and is resting at home.When the incident occurred, and Singh failed to return home, her relatives called her mobile phone,Clark Griswold Jersey, and she recounted what had transpired at the hospital, as she was crying and telling them that she could not see anything.Singh’s relatives told Kaieteur News that she had lost her sight in the right eye some years ago,Jordan Sneakers For Sale, due to illness, and was attending the clinic to save the other.Relatives were adamant that it is highly unlikely that Kamela would become blind just like that.Kamela’s sister said that her sister left her home in such high spirits and it is totally unfair that she is now blind. She added that her sister would have to start from the beginning.“She was wandering around the town trying to find her way home, and persons mistook her for a “junkie” so they did not want to help,” the sister had said.The relative had claimed that the woman was robbed and beaten by thieves,Wholesale Nike Air Max 97, who saw that she was helpless. A public-spirited person later saw the woman’s dilemma and assisted her, after finding her in the Botanical Gardens under a palm tree.

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