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發表於 2018-2-22 11:26:23 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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"Well, I think you've got to be smart," coach Gus Bradley said. "You weigh it to, 'Hey, we can get them acclimated, a feel for everything.' But we didn't have a regular practice as far as reps. Where we normally go 15 reps, we had 10. We didn't have a blitz period. It's just getting them more accustomed to the flow of practice,Cheap Jerseys Online, as well as being able to evaluate some of these guys that are in for the next two days."
Although players have returned from torn knee ligaments in seven months' time, the Jaguars would have to be in playoff contention to even consider bringing Fowler back so soon. The franchise, which is nearing the end of its ground-up rebuild, has won nine games over the last three years.
The Jaguars wanted the 6-foot-3, 265-pounder to lose about 10 pounds and become a better fit for the team's hybrid end/linebacker position called "Leo."
It cost the team dearly.
Fowler was the first non-quarterback selected last week,Wholesale Jerseys Cheap, taken by the Jaguars after quarterbacks Jameis Winston (Tampa Bay) and Marcus Mariota (Tennessee).
The former Florida star likely will miss his entire rookie year in the NFL.
Fowler had 14 1/2 sacks in three years at Florida, including 8 1/2 last season, and was the best player on a solid defense.
The Jacksonville Jaguars defensive end, the third overall pick in last week's NFL draft, is likely out for the season after tearing a knee ligament during his first practice.

The Jaguars were counting on Fowler to be a centerpiece of the defense for years. They had expected him to be a Day 1 starter,NFL Jerseys Cheap, meaning he would replace 33-year-old veteran Chris Clemons.
"I went to apologize to him and he was like,Wholesale NFL Jerseys China, 'You're good, man. It's just football,'" Dantzler said.
Fowler's knee buckled during an 11-on-11 drill as he engaged right tackle Watts Dantzler. Fowler dropped to the ground, grabbed his leg as he rolled from side to side and eventually got helped off the field. He was carted to the locker room.
Fowler tore the anterior cruciate ligament in his left knee during rookie minicamp Friday. ESPN first reported the extent of the injury,Air Max 97 Silver Bullet For Sale.
The injury looked serious live and appeared even worse in video replays. Tests revealed the extent of the damage.
Fowler's injury happened during a two-day camp that featured eight draft picks,Cheap NFL Jerseys, nine first-year players and 28 workout players trying to get a shot at the NFL. Jacksonville had hoped to get all of them accustomed to the pace of practice and how to properly perform every drill.
Now, though, it's unlikely he will play in 2015.
JACKSONVILLE, Fla. (AP) — Dante Fowler Jr. didn't miss a game in three years of college.

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