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發表於 2018-2-22 17:14:51 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Residents of Linden and far-flung areas of Region 10 will be able to access vital medical services at both the Mackenzie Hospital Complex and at the Upper Demerara Hospital, thanks to a cooperative health mission between Guyana and the USA.The team of 44 medical personnel includes one orthopedic surgeon, a pathologist, five physicians, two dentists and a veterinarian,Air Max 97, and is headed by Colonel Martin Ridge of the 4215th US Army Hospital.The team also includes US based Lindener Dexter Hilliman, a sergeant in the US Army, who migrated from Guyana in 1987 and joined the US Army in 1988.Both Col. Ridge and Sergeant Hilliman expressed satisfaction over their involvement with the programme; and the latter said it was like a dream come true for him, as he had always wanted to be able to give back to his hometown in a tangible way.According to Col. Ridge, the medical outreach project was initiated by the US Embassy, and is aimed at providing important medical intervention and some degree of hands-on training for health workers.This exercise is expected to begin from tomorrow, and runs until June 25th at both hospitals.For residents in Ituni and Kwakwani, the medical team will be stationed at the Ituni Cottage Hospital from the 18th to the 20th June.As relates to dealing with patients from far-flung areas, it was pointed out that referrals from regional health institutions will certainly help in expediting the necessary medical interventions.However, it was noted that the medical team will work with the current systems in place in dealing with referrals; and in such cases where more specialized intervention is needed, further referrals will be made for those patients.Pet and other animal owners are also being encouraged to take their animals to see the vet, who will be collaborating with their local counterparts in treating various health issues, including deworming. Owners will also be given vital tips in caring for their animals.Col. Ridge said that, so far, the visit has been made tremendously easy by the hospitality and cooperation of the Guyanese people towards his team.He expressed optimism of a successful mission, at the end of which he foresees everyone sharing and gaining more knowledge in their respective areas of specialization.

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