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By Rabindra RooplallThousands turned out and celebrated with powder, water and perfumes at the National Stadium yesterday, as Inspire Inc hosted its “Phagwah Festival.”At the event there was a chowtaal competition and dances. Some of the performing artistes included Terry Gajraj, Rajesh Dubraj, the Ishara dance troupe and Prince JP among others.Thousands at the National StadiumThis friendly competition was intended to showcase Guyanese talent while encouraging the development of the various art forms.There were sweetmeats and other delightful delicacies on sale. In addition, there was the trampoline and ferris wheel for the kids, and a water sprinkler designed for persons willing to soak into the festivities.Inspire Inc. provided the forum where Guyanese united at one common place to celebrate the grandeur of Phagwah.  At the event, patrons were seen playing with water guns, abheer, abrack and buckets of coloured strainers. The crowd enjoyed what the event had to offer and was very responsive to directives to “fog up the air with powder.”This festival of colours is celebrated with songs, music and dances. A variety of water colours are mixed and sprayed on all those who participate in the celebrations and corresponding coloured powder is smeared on their bodies as well.Today the festival is celebrated at a national level, in a grand style throughout Guyana. A special type of folk song called Chowtal is sung during the course of the festival and the music is usually played with only two instruments. The dholak (a hand drum) and the majeera (cymbals or percussion instrument) are the only two instruments used.The music is fast paced and provokes dancing. The Chowtals are sung rather loudly and are high pitched. Together, they produce a rich cultural blend of talents and skills. It is not uncommon that during the festivities enemies embrace each other and forget their differences, if but for a short while.One of the main water gun squads at the National Stadium.Temples countrywide also observed the occasion with bhajan singing and sharing of sweet meats.Countrywide,Soccer Jerseys China, Phagwah is a time when Guyanese of all colours and creed participate, frolic, mingle, embrace and play as part of festive activities.Yesterday, Canter trucks, horse carts and other vehicles were seen on many streets sprinkling coloured water and powder.Phagwah is a Hindu religious holiday observed in March to celebrate the triumph of good over evil. Universally, it heralds spring. Hindus traditionally wear white on Phagwah Day to acknowledge their participation in festival activities.Powder, perfume, and water are also thrown on family, friends and neighbours on this day by Hindus and non-Hindus alike in what is an amusing, good-natured and joyful celebration.Patrons enjoying the powder and sprinklers at the event.

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