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發表於 2018-3-8 21:48:18 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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McCoy said it means a lot that Montgomery likes him as a player and is happy with the mark being passed,Wholesale Jerseys.
McCoy never met Van Buren, who died in 2012, but he played a year alongside Westbrook and is coached by Staley. He's also friendly with Montgomery,NFL Jerseys China, who carried the Eagles to their first Super Bowl appearance in 1980.
The Philadelphia star in a down statistical year needs 48 yards on Sunday against Seattle to pass Wilbert Montgomery as the franchise's all-time leading rusher. McCoy has 6,491 rushing yards in 86 games. If he sets a new club high this week, it will be in 13 fewer games than Montgomery played.
"Coming into the league one of my coaches (at Pitt) knew him; they were pretty tight. Then when I got drafted here I talked to him,Jerseys China Cheap NFL," McCoy said of Montgomery. "I got to know him a little bit more when he was coaching with the Baltimore Ravens."
"He's something special. I stay on him, but he's one of the best there is," Staley said. "He's going to do a lot before he's finished playing."
PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Eagles running back LeSean McCoy doesn't care exactly how he becomes the franchise leader for rushing yards, he just wants to do it in a win.
McCoy still gets advice from Westbrook, who's tough but not as tough as Staley, who sees even more potential for McCoy.
And by the end of the day Sunday he could be the Eagles' best ever,Wholesale NFL Jerseys.
"If I was in his position,cheap nfl jerseys, I'd feel the same way. Records are made to be broken. You always want the next guy to do well," he said. "I remember in college when I broke some of Tony Dorsett's records and how happy he was. He's a Hall of Famer. He's done everything there is to do here and in college. That was quite an honor."
And McCoy said there's no such thing as too much advice. Staley, he said, helped bring his game to a level he didn't know he could reach.
"I never thought when I got drafted here that I would hold the rushing record. That's big. That's something I'm looking forward to doing," McCoy said. "The No. 1 goal is still to win the game, but if there's a way to do both that would be great."
"I have no problems taking advice from the guys who came before me. You can never get too big, I don't get guys who do that," he said. "I always take advice from guys like Duce. It's only going to make me better."
Montgomery, now the running backs with the Cleveland Browns, sent a pre-congratulatory good luck message to McCoy this week.
Just another name for McCoy to pass. He's already moved past Hall of Famer Steve Van Buren (5,Wholesale China Jerseys,860) and Brian Westbrook (5,995) this season, while last year he passed current Eagles running backs coach Duce Staley (4,807).
NOTES: Running back/kick returner Chris Polk returned to practice Thursday after being limited early in the week with an ankle injury. Kicker Cody Parkey (groin) and tight end Trey Burton (hamstring) were limited Thursday. Kelly again made it clear that Parkey would be fine for Sunday's game.  . Kelly joked with reporters Thursday about the University of Florida having any interest in him, saying he wasn't sure if his "pro offense" would work in the college game.

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