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發表於 2018-3-12 14:46:00 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A 14-year-old girl who attempted to commit suicide has been taken into custody by the Child Care and Protective Agency of the Ministry of Human Services.The child, who hails from Strathspey, East Coast Demerara, attempted to commit suicide last Tuesday by ingesting a poisonous substance.She was rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital where she was treated and subsequently admitted.The official stated that the child is currently in their care receiving psychosocial support among other forms of treatment.The official further stated that investigations revealed that over the years, the child was neglected by her parents who are both alcoholics.A visit to the agency revealed that both parents were under the influence of alcohol at the time.It was during the visit that the child indicated to the officers that she would like to be removed from her parents’ home and to be taken to a place where she can receive help.“The child begged to be removed from her parents’ custody and be taken somewhere else,” the official stated.The child also admitted to the officials that she had endured years of emotional and physical abuse by her parents who are almost always under the influence of alcohol.In the meantime the child is in the care of an older sister while efforts are being made to locate the girl’s younger sister.The Police have since been called in to investigate the whole issue of child abuse.Relatives had begged for the intervention of the Social Services because of the way the child was treated.A relative had told this newspaper that both are alcoholics and have never allowed the child to attend school, even though relatives made attempts to retrieve the child’s birth certificate from the mother.The relative told this newspaper that she made several attempts to secure the child’s birth certificate from the child’s mother,Wholesale Jerseys 2017, who demanded that she pay $2,000 before the birth certificate is handed over.Unconfirmed reports indicate that almost a year ago another sibling committed suicide because of the conditions under which they were living with their parents.

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