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The Government of Guyana’s infrastructural backbone to support the electronic component of itsAlexi Ramotar, Project Manager, E-Government Project Unit.services is progressing with one of two projects almost 85% complete as all the fibre optic cables for this project are in the country, according to the Project Manager of the E-Government Project Unit, Alexei Ramotar.Government is working on the two projects to fully achieve electronic support that will greatly speed up work in various sectors and departments.The Lethem to Georgetown project which will connect to Brazil, and provide internet access for e-government purposes is about 85% complete with all the fibre optic cables in the country; however, there is still the need to put in internal equipment and connect the cables. Ramotar added that there are still some areas that have to be redone for various reasons, a government release said yesterday.He noted that there are always cases of persons cutting the cable, hoping to find copper, but instead there is only glass. As a result corrective works have to be done.The major part of the remainder of the work is connecting the cables, Ramotar said. These come in 10 kilometre bits and have to be connected and placed in special boxes so that they are not easily damaged.This process began in early February, and the Project Unit is currently hiring technicians who will be trained to go out in the field to do the connecting. Some testing has already been doneThe other project which is much bigger is to run a fibre-optic cable from Moleson Creek, Region Six to Parika, Region Three, then a crossing for access to the Essequibo Coast. This project also has with it a wireless component for access to the network, which will be through the long-term revolution 4G cellular technology, as well as an e-government data centre which will be built and established in Providence, East Bank Demerara.A loan application made to the Chinese Government resulted in Huawei Technologies Company being awarded the contract in January this year. That company has already begun to bring in their engineers and set up office. They are also hiring local staff to conduct some of the work, as well as examine local sub-contractors who they may need for small contracts. The E-Government Project Unit is waiting the completion of the design to determine the project’s cost.Ramotar expects that this will be finished by the end of March, and work will probably begin in April or May completing the Georgetown phase and the Linden phase in June.However, there are still other aspects of the infrastructure works to be completed, he explained. Sites for repeater stations have to be set up and equipment put down for the Lethem/Georgetown project, in addition to the connectivity aspect having to be catered for. It is expected that all of this will be completed by the end of April, after which there will be the commissioning followed by possible corrective works if necessary.By June,Wholesale NHL Jerseys, Government Administration willFibre optic cable being strung along the Linden - Lethem road from Brazil.be fully supported electronically, effectively lowering the cost on data connectivity.Some of the positive aspects of this project will include security approaches being centralized and accessible through high speed networks; doctors engaged in consultations in remote areas; e-libraries and data centres for academic institutions, students, adults, and engineering firms; video conferencing facilities between the University of Guyana Turkeyen and Tain Campus.Additionally, the OLPF hubs can be utilised by having access to e-libraries and other data centres.Provision has already been made to bypass the dangers of going online for Government Agencies and Departments. The Government Security system will be set up, supported by Telecommunication Laws, while the project itself comes with all the security necessary.Explaining that it is good security wise for everything to be at the data centre, Ramotar pointed out that this will be the core of the network. He emphasised that all the security systems that Digicel and Guyana Telephone and Telegraph have plus more, will be in place in the E-Government project.Regarding personnel, there will be security vetting of these persons. Security specialists will be employed and once the project is complete, there will be an audit of the security and flaws will be refined and plugged on an ongoing basis.The focus of the programme is to create infrastructure in Guyana especially for Government purposes, introduce new government services and give whatever services already exist better access to the citizens who use government services, and speed up the process.

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