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發表於 2018-3-28 19:11:35 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Beasley has no sacks in the last three games. He has been close at times, but Quinn wants to see more from the rookie.
FLOWERY BRANCH, Ga. (AP) — The pass rush is a missing link in the Atlanta Falcons' otherwise strong start.

"Although the numbers aren't there like we'd like them for him, there's no decline, in terms of the work and attitude to go get it," Quinn said.
The Falcons are tied for last in the NFL with only seven sacks through six games, and that's a troubling number for coach Dan Quinn heading into Sunday's game at Tennessee (1-4).
Quinn said his top priority for the defense is forcing more turnovers. An improved pass rush can create more opportunities for interceptions and also produce opportunities to strip the ball from the quarterback.
"There are a lot of times you can get the ball off the quarterback in terms of the sacks and the forced fumbles," Quinn said Thursday. "That's for sure an area we've circled and dialed in on,Wholesale China Jerseys, to say how we can get better at this specific area."
Now the Falcons are hoping for a similar breakthrough against Tennessee's young offensive line. The Titans are expected to start two rookies on their offensive line — center Andy Gallik and right tackle Jeremiah Poutasi. Veteran Jamon Meredith shared time with Poutasi last week,Cheap NFL Jerseys.
"We just have to continue to hunt and continue to get after the quarterback," Clayborn said Thursday. "I feel we're doing all right. ... I guess the numbers don't show it, but we'll see. We've just got to do better."
Atlanta (5-1) has improved in other areas under Quinn, but the pass rush seems to be stuck in the past. The Falcons finished 2014 with 22 sacks to rank ahead of only the Bengals' 20. This season they are tied for last in sacks with the Dolphins.
The Falcons hoped Beasley would make a much bigger impact in their pass rush when they made him the No. 8 overall pick in this year's NFL draft.
There is reason for hope this week.
Vic Beasley Jr., the first-round pick from Clemson,Wholesale Jerseys China, and Adrian Clayborn each have two sacks — disappointing totals for six games. Kroy Biermann, Ra'Shede Hageman and Nate Supar also have sacks.
"I think that's a tough question only because close doesn't really count in this," Quinn said. "It's all about the finish. The hits are there, but how often do we move the quarterback off the spot? And really let's make sure we're all rushing together all four of the guys."
NOTES: Quinn said LB Justin Durant (elbow) and C Mike Person (ankle) remain on track to play this week,China Jerseys Cheap, barring setbacks. Each missed last week's loss at New Orleans. ... It is possible LB Phillip Wheeler, who signed on Tuesday,China Jerseys Cheap, could play as early as this week. "We're really encouraged by the first couple of days,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale," Quinn said.
Miami's pass rush had only one sack before enjoying a dramatic recovery with six sacks in last week's 38-10 win over the Titans. The Dolphins sacked Marcus Mariota five times in the first half.
Quinn said he is happy with Beasley's effort.

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