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發表於 2018-4-2 01:19:12 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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49ers coach Jim Tomsula said Friday that Beason's comments were news to him. The coach was close to the play Sunday.
Beason, 30, does not believe Boone was intentionally trying to hurt him, but he was still upset by the play.
Seattle defensive end Michael Bennett got a personal foul for knocking down and diving on Bengals quarterback Andy Dalton during a Seahawks interception return, and that cost Bennett $20,000.
Beason sustained a concussion on the play, although he blamed 49ers guard Alex Boone for causing that. Boone was not fined by the league and no penalty was called.
"It's hard enough to stay healthy in this league,NFL Jerseys Cheap," said Beason, who missed the first two games of the season with a knee injury. "I think it was a coward move; didn't show any sportsmanship or regard for another player or his career. It could have been a lot worse."
NEW YORK (AP) — San Francisco running back Carlos Hyde has been fined $23,Wholesale Jerseys China,152 by the NFL for using the crown of his helmet to make contact with Giants linebacker Jon Beason.
Denver DE Malik Jackson was docked $17,363 for a horse-collar tackle against Oakland. Pittsburgh DE Cam Heyward was fined $5,787 for displaying a personal message with his eye black.
An angry Beason accused Boone of grabbing him from behind and deliberately pushing him in the back in a "cowardly" move in Sunday's night's game,Cheap NFL Jerseys. Beason ripped Boone on Friday after returning to practice for the first time since being knocked out of the nationally televised game on the opening series,Cheap Jerseys.
The Giants have sent a videotape of the play on which running back Carlos Hyde was fined to NFL headquarters, Beason said.
"I remember the play, I was standing there. ... I don't know whose hard feelings, nobody wanted Beason to get hurt,Cheap Football Jerseys," Tomsula said. "I don't recollect that, quite frankly you're catching me a little off-guard. I don't know, I don't think so (that Boone pushed him in the back). We were blocking,Wholesale NHL Jerseys, tackling and running."

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