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Cheap Jerseys Wholesale as well as in Regent









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發表於 2018-4-4 18:36:47 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Don’t blame the Police Traffic Department for all the horrific deaths that have occurred on the roadways recently. “Suicidal” commuters must share some of the blame as well.Traffic Chief Neil Semple made this observation on Thursday while outlining his department’s plans to keep accidents and congestion at a minimum during the approaching Christmas season.Semple said that of the 103 persons who have died on the roadways, 21 perished under circumstances that could be considered to be “almost suicidal.”He said that in these cases, speeding commuters have crashed into bridges, lamp-posts and ended up in trenches.“How can you find satisfaction with a man riding a motorcycle, speeding down the road without a helmet and crashing into a median?“We have a man who is supposed to be responsible,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, with his wife coming from a function, speeding and crashing into a post… he died and his wife was injured.“Are we to take blame for these kinds of accidents?”Records from the Police Traffic department show that 103 people have perished on the roads for the year. This is a five percent increase in accidents and a six percent increase in deaths.On the bright side,NFL Jerseys Outlet, deaths among children decreased by 53 percent.According to Mr. Semple, the recent death of 12 minibus passengers at Number 19 Village,Blake Swihart Jersey, Corentyne stirred “national interest” and he has received a flood of(Continued on page 18)Don’t blame the Police Traffic Department for all the horrific deaths that have occurred on the roadways recently. “Suicidal” commuters must share some of the blame as well.Traffic Chief Neil Semple made this observation on Thursday while outlining his department’s plans to keep accidents and congestion at a minimum during the approaching Christmas season.Semple said that of the 103 persons who have died on the roadways,Wholesale Jerseys China, 21 perished under circumstances that could be considered to be “almost suicidal.”He said that in these cases, speeding commuters have crashed into bridges, lamp-posts and ended up in trenches.“How can you find satisfaction with a man riding a motorcycle, speeding down the road without a helmet and crashing into a median?“We have a man who is supposed to be responsible,Cheap Arizona Diamondbacks Hoodies, with his wife coming from a function, speeding and crashing into a post… he died and his wife was injured.“Are we to take blame for these kinds of accidents?”Records from the Police Traffic department show that 103 people have perished on the roads for the year. This is a five percent increase in accidents and a six percent increase in deaths.On the bright side, deaths among children decreased by 53 percent.According to Mr. Semple, the recent death of 12 minibus passengers at Number 19 Village, Corentyne stirred “national interest” and he has received a flood ofsuggestions about reducing the road fatalities.It also led some to suggest that the police are not doing enough to enforce the law against reckless drivers.  But the Traffic Chief insists that his department has been carrying out its traffic education and enforcement policies.“Criticisms have been leveled that (we are) not enforcing (the law) in Berbice, but our figures clearly show that 410 persons were prosecuted in Berbice this year for driving under the influence.”He said that 884 were prosecuted for speeding. This was less than for the same period last year,NFL Jerseys China Cheap, and he suggested that the reduction is due to the presence of the radar. Senior Superintendent Semple said that serious and minor accidents have decreased.Revealing some of the plans for the festive season, Semple stated that there will be day and night traffic patrols. His department is also holding classes for traffic ranks and training them for this period.Traffic ranks will be “heavily focused” near the Stabroek and Bourda Markets, as well as in Regent, Water, Main and Lombard Streets, the Rupert Craig highway, and on East Bank Demerara, particularly between Craig and Providence.His ranks will also be present at Number 19 Corentyne.He promised that traffic ranks will even be posted at areas in Georgetown where there are traffic lights, irrespective of whether they are working.The Traffic Chief warned that ranks ready to conduct breathalyzer tests and those with radar guns will be “in full force” countywide.They will also keep an eye out for the touts and overloaded buses and hire cars. Wheel clamps will be placed on badly parked vehicles and ranks will also keep an eye out for containers, which are placed on the roadways and obscure vision.

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