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發表於 2018-4-6 09:47:39 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The pyrotechnics ended in the wee hours this morning but the first day of 2010 still promises much more in terms of great entertainment.In Georgetown, as has now become customary, the final and third place playoffs of the Kashif and Shanghai football tournament will be staged at the National Stadium, Providence, and at the conclusion of the matches, pulses will peak with the soca vibrations of Barbadian Allison Hinds. Allison HindsMeanwhile,NFL Jerseys China, in Linden, real reggae lovers who had intended to party at the ‘Stress Relief Fest’ with Tarrus Riley, Duane Stephenson and Blak Soil Band out of Kingston, Jamaica will be disappointed to know that the artistes will no longer be coming to Guyana for the show.A release from Jamaica states the following: “It is with a heavy heart and much disappointment that we (Tarrus Riley & Duane Stephenson‘s Management Team) must inform our fans in Guyana that Duane Stephenson, Tarrus Riley and the Blak Soil Band will not be performing on the “STRESS RELIEF FEST” at Mackenzie Sports Club and Ground in Linden Guyana on January 1st, 2010.Over the past few days we have been working day and night with a great deal of patience in order to resolve many shortcomings on behalf of the promoter.Tarrus RileyUnfortunately the promoter has not respected the terms and conditions, stated in our Performance Agreement and we have exhausted all options open to us with regards to working with Fast Forward to bring this date to fruition. It is with these breaches of contract that we can no longer commit to this date. Once again we would like to apologize to our fans and we do hope to see you all in the near future under better circumstances. To all our fans, we wish you a Safe, Happy and Prosperous New Year.”The statement was sent by  Nancy Davis who identified herself as the manager and gave her e-mail contact details as: [email protected]

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