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Tonight from 19:00hrs all roads lead to the National Cultural Centre as the Culture Department of the Ministry of Education kick starts the song competition for Mashramani 2016.Eleven young singers representing Berbice, Linden and Essequibo are carded to take on each other for the coveted junior Calypso Monarch crown and a first prize purse of $300,000 cash plus other prizes.Second and third place finishers will walk away with $175,Brett Favre Falcons Jersey,000 and $100,000 respectively. The most promising contender will walk away with $50,China Jerseys,000 and a trophy.Mashramani 2016 Coordinator,NFL Jerseys Wholesale, Lennox Canterbury, has assured that a lineup of ten contenders is carded to take on defending Junior Calypso Monarch, William Plowell.“Plowell is hoping to hold onto the title with an infectious rendition titled ‘No More Licks’ but the other competitors are obviously hungry to dethrone him. Among them are fellow Lindeners Niosi and Niomi Alsopp,” Canterbury said.The two sisters are competing individually with renditions titled ‘Life’ and ‘Choose Life’ respectively.Other hot contenders taking aim at the Monarchy tonight are Treshana Cort from Essequibo,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, Berbician Michael Small and Georgetown citizen, Ryan  Jagnarain, who will be rendering calypsos such as ‘I have hope’,  ‘Racial politics’ and ‘Champion of the Earth‘.The East Coast Demerara contenders are Sheba Moses who addresses the topic of ‘Beast treatment,’ Nevalena Caesar who is ‘looking for wolf in sheep clothing’,Cheap NFL Jerseys Authentic, Dominique Heywood with his ‘No access mode and Akeem Adams with ‘regrets’.“The event for the public is free and I promise you that from what I have seen during rehearsals it is going to be a tough competition for the participants,jerseys from china,” Canterbury assured.Mash coordinator, Canterbury said that this line up has the most competitors who bring experience to the table.“We have contenders representing notable arrangers the likes of Burchmore Simon from the Kross Kolor Records as well as Bonny Alves from SSignal production and both arrangers are noted for fielding monarchs in years gone by.” (Mondale Smith)

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