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Cheap Wholesale NFL Jerseys Fredrick Flatts









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發表於 2018-4-6 18:45:55 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The Ministry of Agriculture has indicated its preparedness to deal with the current El Nino weather conditions which are expected to be intensified soon, as the various stakeholders and respective agencies in the sector continue to monitor the situation.Currently, there is no need for interventions as the situation remains normal.However, this is expected to change by December 2015, accordingAgriculture Minister Noel Holder and Heads of Agencies within the Ministry.to Agriculture Minister Noel Holder.“I think it is fair for us to say that although Guyana normally experiences two wet and two dry seasons per year, the short wet season which normally starts in the middle of November and goes to the end of January is probably threatened. So while things are okay at this point in time, the system might come under stress by the end of December if the short rains do not come, so we really have to start practising serious conservation,” Minister Holder told a media conference yesterday at his office, Regent and Vlissingen Roads, Georgetown.The Minister, who expressed concerns over the effect on farmers, said the Ministry is taking a collaborative approach to deal with the issues and offer interventions.The Ministries of Public Infrastructure, Indigenous Peoples’ Affairs and Communities will be actively engaged in dealing with the issue.“We are expecting a 95 percent chance that the northern hemisphere will experience El Nino or dry conditions. This will continue for the remainder of 2015 and will probably last until the second quarter of 2016. Our farmers will be the ones most affected, and as such,Nike NFL Jerseys China, we will be having a collaborative effect to address some of the challenges,Cheap Soccer Jerseys For Sale,” Minister Holder warned.He added that the Cabinet of Ministers will be establishing a taskforce to spearhead the Government’s interventions.“That taskforce will brief the press and the nation on the issue and on how to conserve so that we can see this potential crisis through without too much ill effects,NFL Jerseys 2018, and interventions are made to ensure that the El Nino situation remains under control.”Addressing the level of the East Demerara Water Conservancy (EDWC), acting Chief Executive Officer of the National Drainage and Irrigation Authority (NDIA), Fredrick Flatts, reassured that the water level is enough to sustain the different sectors until mid-December.He further explained that if conditions persist, steps will have to be taken to pump water into the conservancies through other sources.Present at the media briefing,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, according to the Ministry,Cheap Soccer Jerseys, were the Heads of Department of the various agriculture agencies; National Agricultural Research and Extension Institute (NAREI), the Guyana Rice Development Board (GRDB),Cheap Jerseys From China, Guyana Marketing Corporation (GMC), Mahaica Mahaicony Abary/Agricultural Development Authority, (MMA/ADA) Hydromet Office, Pesticide Control Board and a representative from the Guyana Water Inc. (GWI).Already, several areas around the country have been complaining about the dry spell with water rationing currently being done in some parts of West Berbice.In Region Nine, rivers have dropped to worrying levels with a top level Government team recently visiting the area.

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