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Cheap Carolina Panthers Jerseys Jeanne Jeffrey









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發表於 2018-4-8 02:04:15 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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… Berbice High School protest The Teaching Service Commission (TSC) is expected to make a decision today on whether the teacher should be reinstated at the Berbice High School, following the accusation that she flogged 28 students in that school without adhering to the regulations.Speaking with Kaieteur News yesterday, President of the Guyana Teachers’ Union (GTU), Colwyn King, said that the Parent-teacher Association (PTA) of the school had halted a protest action at the school again,Cheap Hockey Jerseys, as a result of the meeting with the TSC, yesterday, with the accused teacher,Wholesale Jerseys From China, Jeanne Jeffrey,Cheap NHL Jerseys China, the PTA and the head teacher of the school.According to King, the TSC noted that it can only deal with the beating at the school,Atlanta Falcons Jersey, since the teacher broke the rule relating to corporal punishment.However, King said that the GTU is still prepared to issue the ‘work to rule’ industrial action across the nation, since most teachers are working under terrible conditions in schools.The issue was first brought to light when Ms Jeffrey was accused of flogging the students,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, including girls, with a ‘bamboo rod’ for not submitting their assignments on time.Education Minister, Shaik Baksh, had told this newspaper that his Ministry will not condone any form of corporal punishment in schools, and that the teacher breached the manual.The manual states that no teacher should administer corporal punishment to any student unless supervised by the head teacher of the school, or a senior teacher who would have received permission from the head of the learning institution.According to Minister Baksh, this was not done in this case.It was noted that corporal punishment should not be administered to students for school work and as such, the teacher was wrong in what she did.The Minister explained that the Regional Education Officer had received approval from the TSC to send the teacher on leave, until the matter was fully investigated.Only recently, the students and some parents staged a daring protest action in front of the school, calling on the Education Ministry to reinstate the teacher,China Jerseys Cheap, Miss Jeanne Jeffrey.Baksh had said that the parents and teachers are both being misled by the union.“No parent would want their children to be flogged indiscriminately…It’s a sad thing that the union has taken such actions,” Minister Baksh had said. Kaieteur News was told that the protest was organized by the PTA of the school and, according to Minister Baksh, the Education Ministry will now have to deal with all PTAs differently in the future as such associations that involve themselves in actions like these will not be recognized by the Ministry.

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