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"Cry For Love",Cheap Authentic Jerseys, the new video from VOODOO CIRCLE,Cheap Jerseys USA, can be seen below. The song comes off the band's third album,Cheap NFL Jerseys, "More Than One Way Home", which will be released on February 22 via AFM Records. "More Than One Way Home" track listing:01. Graveyard City 02. Tears In The Rain 03. Heart Of Babylon 04. Cry For Love 05. Alissa 06. The Ghost In Your Heart 07. Bane Of My Existence 08. More Than One Way Home 09. The Killer In You 10. The Saint And The Sinner 11. Victim Of Love 12. Open Your EyesThe cover artwork for "More Than One Way Home" can be seen below.VOODOO CIRCLE is the German/British band featuring members of PRIMAL FEAR and PINK CREAM 69.VOODOO CIRCLE's sophomore CD,Wholesale Jerseys USA, "Broken Heart Syndrome",Cheap Jerseys China, entered the German Media Control chart at position No. 64. The effort was once again mixed and mastered by Dennis Ward (PINK CREAM 69, KROKUS),Cheap NFL Jerseys From China, and was described in a press release as "a huge step forward and shows the band's boundless musical possibilities."Alex is well known throughout the rock and metal scene as the mastermind of SILENT FORCE,Cheap Jerseys For Wholesale, former guitarist of SINNER and touring guitarist of PRIMAL FEAR. His exceptional compositions and instrumental skills secured him highest respect from other musicians and a strong worldwide fan base. In Japan, where quality is still the most important aspect when it comes to music, he is hailed as a "guitar hero" and fills the venues. According to a press release,Cheap Jerseys Supply, "Alex chose to walk in huge footsteps with VOODOO CIRCLE, because the immense impact and influence that bands like RAINBOW and DEEP PURPLE had are undeniable. But if there is just one German musician who can fill this big boots and arouse with new energy, we definitely talk about Alex Beyrodt."VOODOO CIRCLE is:Alex Beyrodt (PRIMAL FEAR, SILENT FORCE, SINNER) - GuitarDavid Readman (PINK CREAM 69) - VocalsMat Sinner (SINNER,Cheap Stitched Jerseys, PRIMAL FEAR) - BassMarkus Kullmann (DEZPERADOZ) - DrumsZlatko "Jimmy" Kresic (LIQUID HOME) - KeyboardsVOODOO CIRCLE's self-titled debut album was released in 2008.

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