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[PS3] Pavel Datsyuk Jersey hypagvi3









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發表於 2017-1-2 23:31:51 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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Nikki Sixx is bringing the "best rock on the radio" into Best Buy stores. The MÖTLEY CRÜE bassist's "Sixx Sense"-branded mini-magazine can be seen at the "Sixx Sense Rock" displays in 700 Best Buy stores across the country. "The Sixx Sense: The Magazine" features more than 40 pages of exclusive content from the radio show, new interviews with Nikki Sixx,Dwight Howard Hawks Swingman Jersey, his "Sixx Sense" co-host Kerri Kasem, today's most relevant music artists, and much more. The magazine is also available for purchase on liBestBuy.com starting November 19. Sixx stated: "I am really proud and excited to extend the 'Sixx Sense - Best Rock On The Radio' campaign at Best Buy with a first-time-ever 'Sixx Sense' magazine. This is a partnership based on passion and love of music." In July, exclusive "Sixx Sense Rock" displays featuring a selection of rock albums curated in collaboration with Sixx debuted in Best Buy stores nationwide. Since then,Chris Paul USA Jersey, a select album from the display has been highlighted on "Sixx Sense With Nikki Sixx" and SixxSense.com at a special price each week,Jimmy Butler Bulls Jersey, and consumers have been given the chance to enter contests and win concert tickets, including a flyaway experience to see "The Tour",Brook Lopez Nets Swingman Jersey, featuring MÖTLEY CRÜE and KISS.Each night on "Sixx Sense",Steven Adams Thunder Jersey, the international rock icon, founder/bassist/songwriter of the world-renowned band MÖTLEY CRÜE and chart-topping band SIXX: A.M.,Nicolas Batum Hornets Jersey, two-time New York Times best-selling author,Wesley Matthews Mavericks Jersey, clothing designer,Paul George USA Jersey, philanthropist and photographer Nikki Sixx discusses music and lifestyle topics as he gives listeners a backstage look at the world and mind of a rock star. Joined by co-host Kerri Kasem, Sixx provides his unique perspective and attitude as the duo welcomes celebrity guests, recording artists and fascinating characters from all walks of life.

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