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發表於 2018-4-10 04:26:38 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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With the intent of giving back to their many customers, Southland International Inc. through its malt brand,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, MOUSSY, on Saturday last conducted the first of six countrywide drawings in their MOUSSY MALT Colour Your Life Promotions at the N and S Mattai location, Water Street, Georgetown.Moussy Malt fan (center) draws the first entry from the rotisserie as the drawing was conducted on Saturday.At this drawing Delanda Melville of 229,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, Thomas Street,Cheap Jerseys From China Outlet, Kitty won herself the US$50 cash prize while, Randolph Pereira of Diamond, East Bank Demerara took home a Grocery Voucher valued at $20,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, 000. Carting off the much coveted 40 -inch Flat Screen Samsung colour television was Margaret Clarkson of North East La Penitence, Georgetown, who incidentally was a winner in the said promotion last year.This competition also allows one lucky person in the nation a chance to change their lives by winning the grand prize of G$1 million in the second edition of the Colour Your Life promotion.Millionaire winner of 2014’s edition was Ms. Pere DeRoy of East Ruimveldt Georgetown. With great elation and inspiration, the post graduate student in International Studies at the University of Guyana, had praised the Company for having such a promotion. She indicated her winnings had come at a perfect time to assist with her boarding expenses in pursuit of a two-year scholarship in Canada.One year later,Cheap Jerseys From China, she is on her way to completing her Masters degree comfortably and debt free. Her lucky winning crowns were purchased from Refreshment Paradise Beverage outlet at the Stabroek Market Bazaar, Georgetown.Last year,Wholesale Jerseys China, drawings were held in several parts of the country – Georgetown, New Amsterdam, Anna Regina, Linden to name a few – where consumers were in a frenzy to secure their three Moussy crowns by buying as many Moussy beverages as they can to increase their chances to win fabulous prizes at each drawing location.Moussy fans went as far as dispensing the fruit flavoured malt liquid into clear plastic bags and containers to ensure their envelope was spun in the big rotisserie.Colour Your Life (CYL) depicts an experience for consumers to refresh and enjoy the ‘new genre’ of Malta in Guyana as opposed to the culture of dark malt beverages. The versatility of this product offers a healthier alternative than soft drinks, shandy or ales.It has arguably been the most popular and preferred non-alcoholic beverage of choice especially during religious occasionsIn addition to winning the grand prize, 18 lucky winners will have the opportunity to win six 40 inch Samsung Smart TVs, Grocery Vouchers worth G$20,000 and US$50 cash prizes each.Each prize will be drawn weekly at select outlets countrywide in Georgetown,NFL Jerseys Cheap, Corentyne Coast, West Coast/West Bank of Demerara, Linden, Bartica and Essequibo.

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