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發表於 2018-4-11 11:38:55 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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… Meten-Meer-Zorg robberyTwo days after six heavily armed gunmen invaded a grocery store at Meten-Meer-Zorg,China Jerseys Free Shipping, West Coast Demerara, the police have managed to make one arrest and are working feverishly to get the other perpetrators.The gunmen who were wearing military clothing managed to grab over $8M in cash and jewellery from businesswoman Indranie Bisram, called “Annie” and her husband Deonaugth Judistry, on Saturday night. The business is located at Lot 52 Meten-Meer-Zorg.Businessman Deonaugth Judistry yesterday told Kaieteur News that an Army Captain along with police officials revisited the scene yesterday seeking clues that could bring the perpetrators to justice.The businessman said that the officials stated that weapons used were high powered.“They said that the people used AK 47’s and M 70’s to carry out the attack,” the businessman explained.It transpired that the officials made a trip to the Fort Island Army base,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, and conducted several checks there. The husband also disclosed that his wife and 10-year-old daughter had to return to the hospital for further medical attention.According to the man, his daughter was still having severe pains in the face and head. She had to be taken to the hospital for an x-ray. Investigations into the matter are still continuing.Indranie Bisram had told this newspaper that it was around 20:00hrs on Saturday when the bandits struck.She explained that the grocery store normally closes at 19:30hrs, but the family was waiting on a driver to park the vehicle in the yard before they closed the business.According to the woman, her husband was sitting outside in the shop when the gunmen walked in and jumped onto a counter.“My husband was sitting outside when the men in army clothes came and jumped on the counter…..they all had big guns, it looked like the AK 47s,Cheap Jerseys Online,” Bisram said.Three of the men managed to get inside of the shop and forced Bisram’s nephew,Stitched Jerseys, along with another employee, to lie on the floor. Two were in the yard with some customers, while the third was outside in the middle of the road as a lookout.Present in the store was the couple’s 10-year-old daughter, who quickly fled to the upper flat of the building. The little girl was beaten in the head and face by the gunmen.The armed men proceeded to strip the businesswoman of jewellery she was wearing at the time.They then emptied a drawer containing an estimated $100,000.She further told Kaieteur News that all five of the family’s cell phones were in the store charging and the bandits managed to get the phones.Moving through the store the bandits stumbled across a cheque book and a number of cheques. The value of the cheques is still to be determined.After collecting the cheques the men then headed to another drawer where the family also kept money.Kaieteur News was told that the men operated as though they knew where everything was, which surprised the businesswoman. This newspaper was told that the bandits found US$11,Jose Calderon Jersey,621 and a quantity of Guyana currency which was not counted from that drawer.After removing the last set of money from the store downstairs the three bandits then pushed Bisram upstairs to her bedroom.The men ransacked the bedroom and removed a quantity of gold jewellery among other valuables in the room.However, the bandits still felt that the family had more and continued demanding that Bisram hand over more cash and jewellery. She estimated that the bandits managed to get away with over $2M in jewellery.“They done collect the gold and money and still saying they want more and they gonna kill me if I ain’t give them more” the woman cried.At this point the woman’s 10-year-old daughter jumped in front of her mother and began begging the bandits not to kill her.“Me daughter jumped in front of me and seh y’all don’t kill me mother….then one of them took the gun and started lashing meh child in she head and face,” the mother cried.Judistry said he had to pretend that he was a customer and scaled a neighbour’s fence in a bid to escape from the gunmen.According to Judistry,Wholesale Cheap Jerseys, he was sitting outside of the store waiting for the driver to come when he saw the six men approaching.As the men entered his business place and ran towards the counter, Judistry said he realised that they were being attacked.“After I see is bandits I tell them I just come fuh buy flour fuh mek roti, then I run and jump over de fence,” the businessman said.Judistry, who is a licensed firearm holder, said he managed to fire three shots at the men. This then caused the bandits to respond with rapid gunfire in his direction.He estimated that the men spent approximately 20 minutes inside the store terrorising his family.Judistry also said that the police managed to recover a military-style hat, which was left at the scene.Several neighbours who spoke to this publication yesterday recalled hearing rapid gunfire, and threats to stay inside. They also related that the men arrived by boat.According to police sources, the men went to the Meten- Meer-Zorg koker and got a boat. They then proceeded down the sea dam and came out at a bridge which runs parallel to the street the grocery store is in.The couple has operated the grocery store from the Meten-Meer-Zorg location for the past 12 years. This was the first time that they were ever robbed.

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