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Head of the Presidential Secretariat, Dr Roger Luncheon, yesterday, announced that the Linden Inquiry Commissioners will return to Guyana early January 2013,NFL Jerseys Outlet, to conclude outstanding matters principally addressing the compensation claims by those affected and injured by the Linden protest.Luncheon made that disclosure yesterday at his weekly press conference at Office of the President. Luncheon told the media that the final report would be done subsequently and the submission is scheduled for February 2013.He said that Cabinet also agreed to meet with the Region Ten delegation to discuss the stalled works on the Economic and Electricity committees.The Commission of Inquiry into the July 18 shooting at Linden wrapped up hearings last week. Lawyers for the police, the victims who suffered losses, the APNU and the families of the three dead men all made their closing arguments before the Commission.Attorney Peter Hugh, who is representing the police, in his summation said that if the organizers and leaders of the protest action on July 18 had asked the protesters to leave the Wismar/Mackenzie Bridge, there would have been no cause for the police to get involved and the incident at the bridge would have been avoided.Hugh also suggested that there is no evidence to show that the police were responsible for the injuries and death suffered by protesters.Attorney Latchmie Rahamat, who represented the individuals that suffered property losses because of the July 18 incident, also summated that the organizers of the protest should be made to bear some liability for the losses of her clients. Rahamat represented the Guyana Revenue Authority, People’s Progressive Party,Kurt Warner Cardinals Jersey, Linmine, and NICIL among others.The lawyer said that the failure of the organizers to control the protest led to the losses and so the organizers should therefore bear some responsibility for compensation.Nigel Hughes said that there is compelling evidence to prove that the police shot the three deceased and injured the Lindeners.   He said that Superintendent Patrick Todd,Cheap Baseball Jerseys, who was in charge,Wholesale Jerseys, admitted that he discharged several rounds from shotguns which he took from various ranks that were on the police line in uniform.Todd further said that he was the only one who discharged the shotgun.Hughes suggested that evidence shows that no witness, whether civilian or police, claimed to have seen anyone else but the police armed with a shotgun.Attorney at law Basil Williams,NFL Jerseys Cheap Authentic, who represented APNU, said that July 18 would go down in the history books as one of the saddest days in Guyana,Nike NFL Jerseys China, when peaceful protesters were shot and killed by the police.Williams said that the evidence points to the police and no one else. According to the lawyer there was a prior plan to derail the five-day protest for which the Lindeners were given permission.

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