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發表於 2018-4-14 08:19:58 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A pharmaceutical policy has been approved for the region,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, a move which represents an agreed outcome of the recently concluded 21st meeting of the Council for Health and Social Development (COHSOD).According to Minister of Health, Dr Leslie Ramsammy, the policy – the Caribbean Pharmaceutical Policy (CPP) – comes after many years of agreeing that such a mechanism was necessary to guarantee that affordable quality medicine reaches the region’s people.Designed with the intent to help strengthen the regulatory authorities in the region, Minister Ramsammy said that COHSOD was unanimous in its support for the implementation of the policy, which forms an integral part of national pharmaceutical policies developed by Caribbean States and will be integrated as much as possible in other policies related to Public Health.In its current state, the policy outlines strategies for equitable access,Cheap NFL Jerseys, availability and affordability of all medicines. It also provides for regional frameworks that would “ensure the safety, efficacy, therapeutically sound and cost-effective use of medicines by health professionals and consumers.”CARICOM has developed the policy guided by the principle that access to medicines is a fundamental human right. Within this context, the policy aims to strengthen collaboration among the national pharmaceutical systems in the implementation of mechanisms for joint negotiation for medicines procurement.Minister Ramsammy emphasised that an important objective of the policy is to strengthen regulatory frameworks for medicines at the regional level and increase collaboration among CARICOM Member States in ensuring the performance of essential components of medicine regulations.“We will take collective action to support this…and the regional bodies will help to strengthen national bodies in regulating the entry of medicine and commodities into the region.”In endorsing the policy, COHSOD also agreed to an implementation mechanism which includes the establishment of an Expanded Technical Advisory Group on Pharmaceutical Policy (TECHPHARM). This group has primary responsibility for overseeing the implementation and assessment of the CPP.  Part of TECHPHARM’s responsibility includes the development and implementation of strategies for pooled negotiations and price monitoring of medicines,Wholesale Jerseys NFL, concurrent with other sub-regional and regional initiatives.  TECHPHARM will share responsibility with National Health Authorities of participating countries, and the Pan American Health Organisation, the World Health Organisation along with the CARICOM Secretariat will provide financial and technical support.At the commencement of the 21st meeting of COHSOD last Friday, Minister Ramsammy had urged countries not to embark on a path whereby persons are deprived of health, adding that it is a moral and human rights issue.“We meet today as a partnership recognising and embracing that the goal is to promote and protect people’s health as a fundamental human right and as a reaffirmation of our commitment to eliminate poverty and accelerate human development.”The Minister further underscored that outside of the developed world,Cheap Jerseys, the CARICOM Region is outstanding in achieving a life expectancy where virtually all the countries have either gotten close to 70 or have exceeded 70.In this recognition, “we must accept, as I argued at the World Health Assembly in 2008 when I served as thePresident of the 61st World Health Assembly, that no country in the Americas should have a life expectancy of below 75 by 2025. We meet today understanding that to achieve these goals, to protect and promote Health for All provision of quality, safe and efficacious medicines and access to medical technology and other commodities is an essential component of any health system.”The Minister pointed out that access to medicines and commodities, indeed,Authentic Adidas Hockey Jerseys China, is an indispensable need to guarantee Health for All and the promotion of long, productive, disability-free lives of people, everywhere.  As such, he noted that proposals for a Caribbean Pharmaceutical Policy are on the table, adding that “we must ensure that we do not fall into the trap of limiting our people from access to affordable,Cheap Authentic Jerseys, quality medicines.”Dr. Ramsammy said generic medicines have provided an opportunity for people to have access to quality and affordable medicines, even as he emphasized that any policy that is agreed on must not limit the use of generic quality medicines.

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