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發表於 2018-4-15 22:59:36 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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By Abena Rockcliffe The People’s Progressive Party (PPP) has dubbed as incredulous, utterances by leader of A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), David Granger about youth unemployment in Guyana. The Party is saying that if APNU is truly concerned about youth unemployment, it would support the Amaila Falls Hydro Project.APNU leader, David GrangerHowever, Granger is saying that the “Amaila twist” on the youth unemployment crisis is quite inadequate since his call is for the core of the issue to be dealt with.  He told Kaieteur News that the government’s promises for Amaila are like “telling you to buy a car but only showing the wheels.” That comment was when Granger referred to the shortage of details about the Amaila project.Just last week, Granger told the Media that the Government is sitting on a time bomb of youth unemployment and that that bomb needed to be defused.PPP’s General Secretary,Cheap Jerseys Store, Clement Rohee,Wholesale NFL Jerseys China, said yesterday that the Amaila Falls Project is imperative for national development and job opportunities for all Guyanese.Rohee said that he found it perplexing that a few short weeks ago; APNU voted against crucial pieces of legislations in the National Assembly for the realization of the Amaila Falls hydro project,Authentic Adidas Hockey Jerseys China, yet speak out about lack of employment.Rohee said, “It is a common understanding, globally, that cheap and reliable energy is a cornerstone for the economic development of any nation. It fuels particularly the expansion of the manufacturing sector, attracts both foreign and local investments and as a result creates numerous job opportunities in various fields and sectors for the skilled, semi-skilled or unskilled labor force. This is the vision behind the efforts to realize the Amaila Falls hydro project.”Rohee asserted that Granger and his party cannot, on one hand, sabotage efforts which will lead to the creation of jobs for Guyanese, particularly youths,  then on the other hand, gripe about youth unemployment being a ‘ticking time bomb.’APNU’s general position is that it is not sure that Guyanese will be provided jobs on the actual construction of the hydro plant. The opposition has pointed, too, the case of the Marriott’s construction,China Jerseys, which saw no Guyanese labourer.  The only Guyanese employed on the Marriott construction site is the guard.When contacted yesterday, Granger said that Rohee failed to address the essential issues raised. Rohee did not deny that youth employment is high and that that is the state of affairs largely because of the economy and the failure of the educational system, Granger said.The APNU Leader said that this marked the first time that the government is dubbing Amaila a major contribution to employment.Granger said that all is still not known about the Amaila Falls project and that the government promising all these things “is like telling you to buy a car but only showing the wheels.”PPP General Secretary, Clement RoheeGuyanese weren’t hired on the Marriott’s construction site because the government said that Guyanese aren’t skilled enough, so the Chinese take over. APNU is saying that the Party would hate to have a repeat.President of Sithe Global, Brian Kubeck,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, indicated during a stakeholders’ forum, that the construction site will attract just about 1,500 persons,  20  percent of whom will be Guyanese. Kubeck said that the Engineering Procurement and Construction (EPC) contract with China Railway ensures that the conditions are made, so that Guyanese workers will have work “opportunities.”Some of the phrases used to “secure” jobs for Guyanese include phrases such as, “reasonable efforts”, “where possible”, “as-needed”,Alexis Sanchez Chile Jersey, “reasonable provisions” and “adequate.”APNU’s Shadow Minister of Legal Affairs and Labour, Basil Williams, told Kaieteur News that discretionary language is not advisable in contracts since the clauses0020aren’t really enforceable in a court of law.

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