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發表於 2018-4-16 01:37:45 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Kyle Wilson, Johnny Patrick, Ras-I Dowling and Brandon Dixon are the only remaining cornerbacks. Backup Jeremy Reeves has been hobbled with a knee injury.

McDougle was expected to make an immediate impact, either as a backup or potentially as a starter over Patterson. The third-round pick out of Maryland was hurt during a 1-on-1 drill with wide receiver Stephen Hill, who jumped over the cornerback to catch a pass. McDougle went down, tore off his helmet and stayed on his back as fellow cornerback Darrin Walls and wide receiver David Nelson came over to check on him.
He walked off the field,Wholesale Jerseys, but was eventually carted to the locker room to be further examined.
Milliner got up after several minutes, but didn't put any weight on his leg before being carted to the medical tent. Milliner grimaced while trainers placed his foot in a tub of ice. He was then carted to the locker room.
"He came down and rolled his ankle," Ryan said.
Milliner, expected to be the team's No. 1 cornerback, went down after defending wide receiver Quincy Enunwa on a long pass and writhed in pain on the sideline at SUNY Cortland.
"I know he was like,Wholesale NFL Jerseys China, 'Oh, you've got to be kidding,'" Ryan said.
Added quarterback Michael Vick: "It hurt me to see Dee on the ground."
"Thank you everyone who has sent me your support and prayers,Cheap Jerseys," McDougle wrote on his Twitter page. "This is a tough blow but I promise, I will be back better than ever. (hashtag)GodSpeed."
CORTLAND, N.Y. (AP) — The New York Jets are banged up in a big way at cornerback.
Milliner struggled as a rookie last year before rebounding with a solid final month. After parting ways with Antonio Cromartie in the offseason, the Jets envisioned Milliner being their top cover guy — and he said during camp he had the confidence to believe he's the best cornerback in the league.
Ryan didn't want to speculate as to whether Milliner's ankle was sprained or broken, but thought the fact he was told he rolled it would indicate it could be a sprain.
Veteran Dimitri Patterson, projected as a possible starter opposite Milliner, missed practice for the second straight day with ankle and calf injuries — making the Jets' secondary extremely thin. Their next preseason game is at Cincinnati next Saturday.
Dee Milliner, a major part of Rex Ryan's defense in his second season, was helped from the practice field after injuring his left ankle. A half-hour earlier Sunday,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, rookie Dexter McDougle was carted off after tearing a ligament in his left knee.
Ryan said both Milliner and McDougle would have MRI exams to check on the severity of their injuries; the team was still awaiting results on Milliner. With them sidelined along with Patterson, Walls and Ellis Lankster worked with the starters.
McDougle missed nearly all of last season at Maryland with a shoulder injury, and said he teared up while standing on the field at MetLife Stadium last Thursday night before making his NFL debut.
"I guess he came down, a cleat got caught," Ryan said. "I just listened and was there for him,Cheap Jerseys From China, but he felt a sharp pain, and that was it."
"It'll be adversity for some and opportunity for others," Ryan said. "We'll put the best 11 out there and we'll be able to play defense."
"Those things happen and it's unfortunate, but you've got to move on," Ryan said before the team announced the severity of McDougle's injury. "Who plays in their place, I've got to find out who's still out there."
"I was focusing on the ball," Enunwa said. "He might have run into me or something. I'd have to go back and look at it,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, but I don't know honestly what happened."
Trainers rushed over to Milliner, the team's No. 1 draft pick last year, and examined him.

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