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Cheap NFL Jerseys Authentic and in his mid-forties









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發表於 2018-4-16 01:56:24 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– father not ruled out as abuser The alleged abuse of a three-year-old child has now attracted the attention of the Ministry of Human Services and Social Security. Last Sunday this newspaper reported that the child was reportedly abused by her uncle. At least that was the belief of the child’s father, Seon Case.The alleged abuser, a father of three, and in his mid-forties,China NFL Jerseys, when contacted said that the allegations were spurious and without basis and aimed at besmirching his character.When contacted yesterday,NFL Jerseys China, Director of the Child Care Protection Agency, Ms Ann Greene said that it appears as if the parents who once shared an abusive relationship are using the opportunity to fight for the child.Greene said that her agency and the police are working closely to get to the truth of the matter. She conceded that a medical investigation was performed on the child and that she was told that the child was molested, since the hymen was ruptured and there was bruising on the walls of the vagina.However, she said that it is not clear where the abuse took place since the examination found that the bruising that was seen was fresh, and at the time when she was in her father’s care.Greene said the child’s inability to identify her abuser is not assisting the case and it is to this end that the police are working to ascertain this. The father has not been ruled out as a suspect,CHeap NFL Jerseys China, she added.Ms Greene said that the child is with her mother, whom she described as the lesser of the two evils,Cheap Arizona Cardinals Hoodies, until the investigation is concluded.She said that her agency took such a move since the mother is co-operating and that she is not the abuser.Further, Greene said that she is not ruling out her agency taking the child away from both parents to ensure her safety.When quizzed about the safety of the child at her mother’s home where the uncle is residing,NFL Jerseys From China, Greene said that the Ministry’s Officer assigned to the case and the police are making daily visits.However, she said at this time it will be unwise to take the child away from the mother’s care and place her into a home which might do more harm than good.Greene said that the child is caught between a ‘rock and a hard place’,Cheap China Jerseys, since one is not sure at which home the abuse took place. She said plans are afoot to have play and art therapies done, so that the child brings out the truth through these means.Greene said that her Ministry is steering clear of the squabble between the two parents and is working in the best interest of the little girl.  She said some time down the road it will emerge that based on their final decision on the matter, the parents may find their decision unpopular.A few days ago the child’s father visited Kaieteur News and related the alleged abuse of his daughter at the hands of her uncle, the brother of the mother of the little girl.

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