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"Just playing against a different opponent," he said. "It's an opportunity to play football."
Harbaugh is pleased with Gabbert's progress so far and has indicated he's willing to give Gabbert time to develop and understand the system.
With Colin Kaepernick, drafted in the second round in 2011, entrenched as the starter, Gabbert is the leading candidate to take over the backup spot. Josh Johnson and McLeod Bethel-Thompson are also candidates.
"When we came into school together, you knew he was a special talent," Gabbert said. "He's big and he's fast."
NOTES: WR Anquan Boldin was thrown out of late practice after an altercation with DB Darryl Morris according to reports on csnbayarea.com. ... DT Glenn Dorsey,Jerseys NFL China, who celebrated his 29th birthday, sustained an apparent left arm injury during the same practice. He came back out in sweats and watched the rest of practice. ... Levi's Stadium hosts its first event on Saturday: a MLS game between the San Jose Earthquakes and Seattle Sounders. Harbaugh said he has no qualms with soccer opening the stadium. "Let the games begin,Alexis Sanchez Arsenal Jersey UK," he said. "We know how important this game is for them." The 49ers are taking the day off. ... Harbaugh said RB Jewell Hampton impressed him when he kicked a 50-yard field goal during practice. "It was a straight toe kick, without the steel plate," Harbaugh said. ... Rookie linebacker Chris Borland, a Wisconsin grad, talking about rookie running back Carlos Hyde, from Ohio State: "He ran all over us. He has quick feet,Cheap Jerseys, he's smooth and there is no hesitation in his breaks. You can't be back on your heels against him."
SANTA CLARA,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, Calif. (AP) — Although Blaine Gabbert may be fairly new in the locker room, he's had plenty of time to familiarize himself with the San Francisco 49ers' playbook.
He's likely to get extended time in next week's exhibition opener at the Baltimore Ravens and Gabbert is looking forward to it,Cheap NFL Jerseys Online.
Gabbert has the added bonus of having three coaches with extensive quarterbacking experience in Harbaugh, Geep Chryst and intern George Whitfield Jr., who helped train Johnny Manziel for the NFL combine.
The latest addition to the quarterback group comes with solid credentials, though without much NFL success despite starting 27 games for the Jacksonville Jaguars the past three years.
"We're all pretty comfortable," Gabbert said of the QB group. "The only thing I have to do is master the playbook. Kaep has been a good sounding pad to bounce questions off."
Gabbert and linebacker Aldon Smith, both Missouri products, were two of the first 10 picks of the 2011 draft. The 49ers selected Smith with the seventh overall pick.
That's something that was not available to him in Jacksonville, where he also went through a handful of coaching changes and had to relearn offensive schemes.
"Blaine is very smart and he knows the plays," 49ers coach Jim Harbaugh said. "He's showing all the signs of developing quite rapidly and executing very well."
The Jaguars are still rebuilding. And the early struggles cost Gabbert his starting job and he was traded to the 49ers in March for a sixth-round draft pick.
Gabbert,Nike NFL Jerseys China, drafted in the first round, the 10th pick overall out of Missouri, of the 2011 draft was handed the job in Jacksonville without much preparation and without much of an offensive line.
"Colin is farther ahead; he's at the highest level," Harbaugh said. "It's great, with a capital 'G,' and Blaine is coming along. I've always said, six months later you're going to be very far along in this system, but not as far along as you will be after a year, and after two years you'll most likely be an expert in this system."
"The biggest thing is a lot of talent on the offensive side of the ball," Gabbert said Friday. "That makes the quarterback's job easy."

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