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[游泳] China NFL Jerseys a carpenter of Hope Lowlands









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發表於 2018-4-16 05:43:12 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Twenty-one year old Davindra Rooplall,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, a carpenter of Hope Lowlands, East Coast Demerara,Stitched Jerseys, was yesterday remanded to prison by Magistrate Zamela Ali for the murder of his fellow villager Suresh Goberdhan, called Buddy.Accused: Davindra RooplallSuresh GoberdhanRooplall appeared at the Cove and John Magistrate’s Court, where he was not required to plead to the indictable charge. He is being represented by senior counsel Bernard De Santos, who was unavoidably absent for yesterday’s hearing.Police Prosecutor, Inspector John Singh told the court that the investigation into the matter is complete and he asked for a convenient date to commence the Preliminary Inquiry.Magistrate Ali then set February 21 for Rooplall to return to court.Goberdhan, also a carpenter, was bludgeoned to death around 23:00 hours on Thursday last.The accused is one of two men who were detained following the discovery of Goberdhan’s body in a clump of bushes at Mud Dam, Dochfour.An eyewitness had contacted the police after he reportedly observed Goberdhan and two other men in a heated argument.This newspaper understands that after intense interrogation, the suspects, who were initially implicating each other, took detectives back to the scene in an attempt to recover the piece of wood that was used to kill Goberdhan.It is alleged that the argument that led to Goberdhan’s death stemmed from wager over a game of pools, which was won by the now dead man.Suresh Goberdhan’s bicycle, money and phone were recovered at the scene.This is the fourth murder investigation on the East Coast of Demerara this year that has concluded so far with persons being placed before the court.Already, accused are before the courts for the murder of Dearoop Siewchand, Raphael Campbell and Marcia Adams.The body of taxi driver Raphael Campbell was discovered in Turkeyen on January 3. Three men, including an ex-policeman were charged with his murder.Adams was stabbed to death,Wholesale Jerseys China, allegedly by her reputed husband Paul Scotland,Cheap Authentic Jerseys, at her Second Street Paradise,Andre Branch Dolphins Jersey, East Coast Demerara home,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, also on January 3. Scotland was remanded to prison for that murder.And cash crop farmer Siewchand was discovered in his house with multiple stab wounds on January 5.Three men, one of whom is his nephew, appeared before Magistrate Sueanna Lovell, charged with his murder.

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