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發表於 2018-4-16 06:19:33 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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NFL spokesman Brian McCarthy declined to comment.
The two baseball caps Lynch wore this week while answering reporters' questions with single scripted lines have sold out on Lynch's website,China Jerseys Cheap, where they're part of his own Beast Mode apparel line.
One of the earliest times was when movie director Spike Lee wore a red Yankees cap during a World Series game in the 1990s.
The Lynch case is somewhat different, Domanowski said, because the caps are a collaboration of two brands. Instead of a team logo, they feature Lynch's angular Beast Mode logo on New Era styles. Lynch and New Era designers worked together on color combinations and fabrics.
New Era is the official supplier for the National Football League and is also making the caps the Super Bowl winners will wear on the field after Sunday's game.  The company has made a small number of hats in advance for game day,Wholesale Jerseys, Domanowski said, some featuring the Seahawks as Super Bowl champs, the others crowning the New England Patriots.
While barely saying a word, the Seattle Seahawks running back has created a run on the "Beast Mode" caps he's been wearing at Super Bowl press appearances.

BUFFALO, N.Y. (AP) — Hats off to Marshawn Lynch.
"Over the past 20 years, there've been different moments in time where a celebrity is seen wearing a different cap and the next day people are clamoring to find that product,WBC Jerseys," Stuart Domanowski, football category director at New Era, said Thursday.
"Yes, this is the hat Marshawn wore during the 2015 SB Media Day,Cheap Authentic Jerseys," the website says.
Lynch could be fined for wearing the hat if the National Football League deems it broke the rule requiring players to wear team-issued apparel on media day,Boston Celtics Jerseys.
Buffalo-based New Era Cap Co. makes the caps for the football player and says more are on the way.
The gray-billed navy cap Lynch wore while repeatedly telling media day reporters,Cheap Adidas NHL Jerseys, "I'm just here so I won't get fined," is a 9Fifty snapback style that retails for $33.
Lynch wore a black and charcoal version the next day while reciting, "You know why I'm here" in response to questions. That hat is listed for $40.

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